Producing Fine Silver Powder

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You are right. I have a good memory, but it mixes things up occasionally. Here is the link for the gold powder.
And I am doing a french polish finish on a jewelry box, I did not think the leaf would hold up when I started the finish. I'm not terribly experienced in any of this though, so I'm all ears for any suggestions.Thanks for the ideas.
How would one make a karat gold clay?

Drop fine gold and blend in silver and copper powder?

What drops copper from solution yet rinses away cleanly? NaOH again?
See this Vid and
powder of this type is simply blended then sent thru a sieve.
I makes gold doing a similar process.
How would one make a karat gold clay?

Drop fine gold and blend in silver and copper powder?

What drops copper from solution yet rinses away cleanly? NaOH again?
To make a gold clay a mimimum 22k gold ingot must be grinded and milled to a very fine powder, then binder added. You can make a pure gold powder, however pure gold would be too soft to grind or file, silver and copper can't just be added because without them being alloyed, once fired the coppers will turn to oxide and the gold will remain powder.
To drop copper use iron.
SilverNitrate said:
See this Vid and
powder of this type is simply blended then sent thru a sieve.
I makes gold doing a similar process.
How would one make a karat gold clay?

Drop fine gold and blend in silver and copper powder?

What drops copper from solution yet rinses away cleanly? NaOH again?
To make a gold clay a mimimum 22k gold ingot must be grinded and milled to a very fine powder, then binder added. You can make a pure gold powder, however pure gold would be too soft to grind or file, silver and copper can't just be added because without them being alloyed, once fired the coppers will turn to oxide and the gold will remain powder.
To drop copper use iron.

Question.... I recently did almost 3 pounds of silver the same way you did in your first vid. I dried out my silver with a torch and got a nice bunch of cloudy white clumps. Nearly pure I would say but I'm still gonna put my now melted ingots into the thum cell. How do you dry out your silver? Silver always seems to take way more time to completely dry out.
goldenchild said:
Question.... I recently did almost 3 pounds of silver the same way you did in your first vid. I dried out my silver with a torch and got a nice bunch of cloudy white clumps. Nearly pure I would say but I'm still gonna put my now melted ingots into the thum cell. How do you dry out your silver? Silver always seems to take way more time to completely dry out.
Dryying is simple, once rinsed well with water, can place into pot and boil off the water. the then powder can be crushed in a blender, pestle and mortar, etc.
SilverNitrate said:
goldenchild said:
Question.... I recently did almost 3 pounds of silver the same way you did in your first vid. I dried out my silver with a torch and got a nice bunch of cloudy white clumps. Nearly pure I would say but I'm still gonna put my now melted ingots into the thum cell. How do you dry out your silver? Silver always seems to take way more time to completely dry out.
Dryying is simple, once rinsed well with water, can place into pot and boil off the water. the then powder can be crushed in a blender, pestle and mortar, etc.

Hmmm. What kind of pot? Wont the pot burn once all the water is evaporated? And if its not stainless wont there be contamination?
either stainless or glass. You may want to stir it ever so often to avoid hot spots, keep the heat very low as not to sinter or clump harden together. 3#s of silver powder may take 5 hrs to completely dry from moist.
Why not just put the wet silver powder in the kitchen oven at a temperature slightly over boiling point. No risk for splatter or burning and you don't need to watch over it either.

SilverNitrate said:
either stainless or glass. You may want to stir it ever so often to avoid hot spots, keep the heat very low as not to sinter or clump harden together. 3#s of silver powder may take 5 hrs to completely dry from moist.

I see. If it would take 5 hours I would be better off just using my method with the torch.

g_axelsson said:
Why not just put the wet silver powder in the kitchen oven at a temperature slightly over boiling point. No risk for splatter or burning and you don't need to watch over it either.


I thought about this. Putting it in a casserole to avoid metal contamination. But my worry is if there are any traces of chemicals it would destroy the oven.

Thanks for your ideas guys.
goldenchild said:
I see. If it would take 5 hours I would be better off just using my method with the torch.
Not if your objective is to aquire silver powder.

g_axelsson said:
Why not just put the wet silver powder in the kitchen oven at a temperature slightly over boiling point. No risk for splatter or burning and you don't need to watch over it either.


I thought about this. Putting it in a casserole to avoid metal contamination. But my worry is if there are any traces of chemicals it would destroy the oven.
Thanks for your ideas guys.
Good idea can be to place it in the back part of the oven over where the pilot light is, you can set it there and forget it and after 2 days it'll be perfectly dry, however your range needs be a gas pilot type. Yes any silver spatter may leave irremovable black spots on surfaces so be careful. You can also use one of those old warming platters or tea cup warmers for small batches.
Btw, my oven is electric. I routinely use it to drive off water from cut meteorite slabs. Just put it on 120 C in the evening and in the morning it is perfectly dry.

I have no experience with gas ovens.

If you have acids left in your silver powder then you need to work on your washing technique.

g_axelsson said:
Btw, my oven is electric. I routinely use it to drive off water from cut meteorite slabs. Just put it on 120 C in the evening and in the morning it is perfectly dry.

I have no experience with gas ovens.

If you have acids left in your silver powder then you need to work on your washing technique.

Nah. No problem with rinsing but. I dont know. I just dont like the idea of getting refining stuff mixed with household stuff that you use to prepare food. Think of it this way. Would you use a spoon like the one in silvernitrates video to mix a pot of soup? It would still be in the back of my mind that the spoon had all those chemicals on it no matter how many times it was washed.
Dear all

help me to make silver powder from silvernitrate.I need shining silvr powder.
please35 said:
Dear all

help me to make silver powder from silvernitrate.I need shining silvr powder.

You can cement your silver out of your solution with copper, wash the powder till no more color change in your solution and then melt your silver.
Dear 007

thanks but i need to make powder if possilbe by electrolyte system.I dont need solid bar.I have take out silvernitrate sponge with copper.
I need further step.
please35 said:
Dear 007

thanks but i need to make powder if possilbe by electrolyte system.I dont need solid bar.I have take out silvernitrate sponge with copper.
I need further step.

What are your plans for this silver powder? That may help people understand what you are seeking.

Ok then melt your powder into small ingots and send the silver thru a silver electric cell. This will give you silver crystals. Look in the silver section of the forum and you should find all the info you need on this. There have been quite a few posts on silver cells lately. If you don't find what you need let me know and I will find some links for you.
A cell won't yield powder under any condition, so that's not a good idea.

When silver chloride is converted to silver via the use of aluminum (and probably with iron, too), the end result is a VERY fine powder of silver. It does not look like silver, having more of a Portland cement appearance, however. Don't know if this is useful, or not.

jimdoc said:
please35 said:
Dear 007

thanks but i need to make powder if possilbe by electrolyte system.I dont need solid bar.I have take out silvernitrate sponge with copper.
I need further step.

What are your plans for this silver powder? That may help people understand what you are seeking.


Dear Jim


I need WHITE silver powder and ultrafine for illuminating.Its been 3 week I am trying and didnot found.
My result so far:
when I make silver curd.its clay color.fine but not ultra fine.I clean and boil with HCL but color didnot changed.But when I rub the sponge on porcelian bowl.the side which I rub on wall is shining like diamond as Mr.Lazersteve said but not all the partical is shining.

Hope problem is clear pls suggest. me

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