Dear Lola, the world is filled with scammers. We know this industry better then just about anyone else in the world. We would love to support your sale, but you have left out some information, which is very basic to the industry, which would at least ferret you out from the scammers. This would at least generate some interest to others, for the potential sale of your powders, if you would verify the questions asked of you. When you are evasive, it is a natural instinct to draw away from you. Yggdrasil has been very helpful to you, wether you realize it or not. Others have seen this in him, and it is you who is being a difficult person. Just because you have helped support this forum monetarily, it does not give you a free pass to be rude, discourteous, evasive, or any other traits not conducive to getting the truth resolved.
This is an international forum. The customs and traditions held by your country, may not apply to the rest of the world.
Frankly, a very paptetic entry. It seems that you were struck by the fact that I stated that I paid the membership fee and that I would like to continue with the ad without negative intrusions. and that's why I'm difficult, rude.... and the one who oppresses me with entries all the time is a forum righteous who fights to save everyone else from me, a rotten fraud? Because of me, my whole country is also to blame?