A wise man learns from his mistakes. A wiser man learns from the mistakes of others. Not sure what to address here harold. what part dosent make sense? Don't mistake new for stupid.... I have read his book. Note it was not written by a chemist either. Note too I have helped those who a PhD chemist could not. I don't want at all a bytch off. I can find 100 places for that... Science is built on repeatable results, was just wanting to compare with others... If you have experience with this device only please share. If not you shouldn't even be paying attention to it in the first place. My regia is different then those found here or on any other forum. It is a collection of experience from others + my own expertise. It is as follows. Lye bath, then rinse, then nitric, then rinse, then regia, heat to almost a molasses syrup consistency, add HCl, repeat, add 2X the volume of H2O,
any remaining silver will precipitate as a nitrate, filter then precipitate gold with Sodium metabisulfite, filter(decant), then add
ammonia to precipitate platinum first, then palladium will fall out. Part of this method is based on Hooke results and the link to read that book was found here too. When warming to get the nitric out too it can be run though a liebag condenser and recover your unused nitric along with your PM's if so inclined...
Most cost effective way I've found. Agreed the "boiling" was poor choice of words. I don't know of any experts who use Urea. The"boiling" though don't heat that much is simply to eliminate nitric acid before precipitation. When/if it starts to boil in fact reduce heat... Excuse me I forget sometimes how technical these words can be.
This method though uses gallons of hazardous materials but is clean, easy to follow and duplicate. Was hoping to pool some of the simplicity sytsem results though as I dont have much to weigh and compare as is. Have seen some though who do get good results from it. Who said things went south besides harold? I'm getting good results... I didnt ask for any of your advice, infact i keep responding to yours with better advice... This is how we grow as a whole... BTW I did fail English Detectr and if you want to criticize my grammar we will be here all day. Though I did get 98% in math and 104% in physics.... gotta love bones q's

I did not ask or seek anybodies advice here. Just wanted to compare finished results... Cheers happy refining!