I have refrained from replying to your posts as I have yet to figure you out. Half of what you say seems as though you are trying to promote something and have a hidden agenda. The other half of what you write makes limited sense to me as to the direction you wish readers to follow, or how you think the procedures you espouse “should” work as per your direction. I think the forum has been very indulgent to say the least in listening to what you have had to say so far.
Since you wished to promote your knowledge of ancient Roman history by mentioning Syrus, Publilius, it is worth noting that what he was best known for was his mime performances. Mimicking others actions but without the ability of speech.
Reading some of what you have written on the forum (not all) it is clear to anyone that has refined for a living that you are mimicking in your words what you have read, but have not actually done by your own hand, much like a mime.
That is not a wise thing for us to allow on this forum considering how dangerous and lethal precious metals chemistry can be. I would not want a new member to read what you have written and nothing else before attempting precious metals refining.
I would suggest 2 paths for you.
Only talk about procedures that you have done by your own hand, or take a page out of your own book and be as silent as a mime until you have read for some time what is written on this forum. Restrict your questions to what has already been written here if a post is not clear to you.
I truly understand that in your world or social group you may have been an authority as to refining. But now you are on a forum that has members that have refined for a lifetime as their primary source of income. I am actually surprised that you have not been banned as of yet if only for the reason that much of your procedures make little sense and may prove hazardous to the uninformed.
Before you reply to me think about what is important to “you”. Are you trying to promote yourself as a person of knowledge, or are you here to learn?
I will listen to any calm, rational, and professional reply you may have. If you are argumentative or continue as you have, I will ban you from the forum.
There is nothing wrong with being a mime. Much of what I know about precious metal refining came from mimicking others successes, and keeping my mouth shut.
PS; I take great umbrage to your derisive opinion regarding Lasersteve solely because you do not like his screen name (who are you to talk being 1 letter off from being arsonrefineries?). Had you spent some time reading this forum before you started pontificating with your dogmatic viewpoints, you would have realized that Steve has been very unselfish with what he has done for the general forum membership. It is your loss if you do not heed his advice and counsel.
I have refrained from replying to your posts as I have yet to figure you out. Half of what you say seems as though you are trying to promote something and have a hidden agenda. The other half of what you write makes limited sense to me as to the direction you wish readers to follow, or how you think the procedures you espouse “should” work as per your direction. I think the forum has been very indulgent to say the least in listening to what you have had to say so far.
Since you wished to promote your knowledge of ancient Roman history by mentioning Syrus, Publilius, it is worth noting that what he was best known for was his mime performances. Mimicking others actions but without the ability of speech.
Reading some of what you have written on the forum (not all) it is clear to anyone that has refined for a living that you are mimicking in your words what you have read, but have not actually done by your own hand, much like a mime.
That is not a wise thing for us to allow on this forum considering how dangerous and lethal precious metals chemistry can be. I would not want a new member to read what you have written and nothing else before attempting precious metals refining.
I would suggest 2 paths for you.
Only talk about procedures that you have done by your own hand, or take a page out of your own book and be as silent as a mime until you have read for some time what is written on this forum. Restrict your questions to what has already been written here if a post is not clear to you.
I truly understand that in your world or social group you may have been an authority as to refining. But now you are on a forum that has members that have refined for a lifetime as their primary source of income. I am actually surprised that you have not been banned as of yet if only for the reason that much of your procedures make little sense and may prove hazardous to the uninformed.
Before you reply to me think about what is important to “you”. Are you trying to promote yourself as a person of knowledge, or are you here to learn?
I will listen to any calm, rational, and professional reply you may have. If you are argumentative or continue as you have, I will ban you from the forum.
There is nothing wrong with being a mime. Much of what I know about precious metal refining came from mimicking others successes, and keeping my mouth shut.
PS; I take great umbrage to your derisive opinion regarding Lasersteve solely because you do not like his screen name (who are you to talk being 1 letter off from being arsonrefineries?). Had you spent some time reading this forum before you started pontificating with your dogmatic viewpoints, you would have realized that Steve has been very unselfish with what he has done for the general forum membership. It is your loss if you do not heed his advice and counsel.