Skinning cats and other alternate ways of doing things

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Cat skins as well as German Shepard skins were sold even into the 1970's. The dogs were illegal by then but not many buyers could tell the difference between those and a coyote. Cat meat, at least bobcat and even mountain lion is a lean white meat many find it tasty. Most any cat meat makes a great coyote bait with the exception of African Lion, they seem to avoid that for some reason.
They are quite tangy, that's why they are great fox and coyote bait.
I am far too attached to my cats to use them for bate.
In all honesty, I worry more about them than most people care for others people.
Don't think I am wrong.
I was raised on an Irish farm, and it took me fourth years to understand just how wrong I had been educated early on.
Never dropped anyone I had been introduced to, animal or otherwise.
Let me clarify some things......i love animals and would not harm any of them, .....i have used that line as a figure of speech, didn`t think it would take off like this....I thought it will be funny, but what is funny for me, might be offensive to apologies....however, it has started an educations conversation....

I wouldn`t hurt any kind of animal....that is just how I am....

So again, i can take the "beating" directed to me ....a mistake is a mistake....i`ll try to avoid these in the future.... :)

I have some cold beer......anyone care to join me? :)

I took no offense at it, I consider myself an animal lover as well as a hunter and trapper. I know many struggle to understand it, it is just what it is for me. I have an older Blue Heeler in the back yard and two cats in the house with my Cane Corso. The cats rule that roost, no doubt.
FYI, in China, cats are kept in cages, much like a cute little Lobster in a restaurant. Upon your selection of your choice, it is brought into the kitchen and while still alive, dunked into hot cooking oil and fried like a Turkey. I have seen some stuff in my travels that would turn a lot of people white. Guinea Pig is the Peruvian version of Turkey meat. Lots of different cuisines in many different countries. It is funny how here in America, we think nothing about the foods we eat, and where they come from. Let's get back to refining, Facebook is a different forum.
FYI, in China, cats are kept in cages, much like a cute little Lobster in a restaurant. Upon your selection of your choice, it is brought into the kitchen and while still alive, dunked into hot cooking oil and fried like a Turkey. I have seen some stuff in my travels that would turn a lot of people white. Guinea Pig is the Peruvian version of Turkey meat. Lots of different cuisines in many different countries. It is funny how here in America, we think nothing about the foods we eat, and where they come from. Let's get back to refining, Facebook is a different forum.
As for all other things in the real world, no such thing as pure black or white exists.
It is all in nuances of grey.

There are pet cats in China too, and pet dogs as well.
There are regions and parts of China, Korea and who knows where, they eat them and regions where they do not.
I was in Hong Kong many years ago and they told me they had this saying that goes like this:
"If it moves, eat it, if it don't build on it."
And it is "almost" correct, in a way....
FYI, in China, cats are kept in cages, much like a cute little Lobster in a restaurant. Upon your selection of your choice, it is brought into the kitchen and while still alive, dunked into hot cooking oil and fried like a Turkey. I have seen some stuff in my travels that would turn a lot of people white. Guinea Pig is the Peruvian version of Turkey meat. Lots of different cuisines in many different countries. It is funny how here in America, we think nothing about the foods we eat, and where they come from. Let's get back to refining, Facebook is a different forum.
How about the baby chicks on a stick , Shanghai 1994
Cat skins as well as German Shepard skins were sold even into the 1970's. The dogs were illegal by then but not many buyers could tell the difference between those and a coyote. Cat meat, at least bobcat and even mountain lion is a lean white meat many find it tasty. Most any cat meat makes a great coyote bait with the exception of African Lion, they seem to avoid that for some reason.
Which begs the question, where/why would you procure african lion meat for coyote bait?
Which begs the question, where/why would you procure african lion meat for coyote bait?
It is easier than most would think, (or used to be). Big game taxidermist. Especially in the days before Mad Cow Disease, CWD and Covid.

As for why, bobcat and mountain lion both work, to keep scraps from an African Lion being wasted, we just used it for something potentially useful.
It is easier than most would think, (or used to be). Big game taxidermist. Especially in the days before Mad Cow Disease, CWD and Covid.

As for why, bobcat and mountain lion both work, to keep scraps from an African Lion being wasted, we just used it for something potentially useful.
Didn't consider that source. I've read mountain lion was excellent meat.
I tried several usually different meat sources years ago at a wild game benefit dinner. I tried both bobcat and mountain lion. They were both good. Crow, not to my taste. Skunk, actually not bad. Opossum, could not get past the smell. Racoon, smell and greasy, not for me. Coyote, tough and stringy with little flavor. Bear meat is good, but greasy at times. Elk is the very best. Moose isn't bad, but can be overcooked easily. Rattlesnake, bland and little to no flavor. Think those sound odd. Kangaroo wasn't to bad. Camel wasn't good but could have been because it was dry and overcooked. I won't go into it more as some may find it offensive, but these were all farm raised animals, except for the crow, opossum and racoon. And the moose was wild.
I tried several usually different meat sources years ago at a wild game benefit dinner. I tried both bobcat and mountain lion. They were both good. Crow, not to my taste. Skunk, actually not bad. Opossum, could not get past the smell. Racoon, smell and greasy, not for me. Coyote, tough and stringy with little flavor. Bear meat is good, but greasy at times. Elk is the very best. Moose isn't bad, but can be overcooked easily. Rattlesnake, bland and little to no flavor. Think those sound odd. Kangaroo wasn't to bad. Camel wasn't good but could have been because it was dry and overcooked. I won't go into it more as some may find it offensive, but these were all farm raised animals, except for the crow, opossum and racoon. And the moose was wild.
:) I`ve probably tried many animals while I was in China (putting into service a machine)....we ate at a restaurant where noone spoke english.....only chinese (cantonese or mandarin I have no clue) we picked our food from pictures in the meniu, we felt like kindergarden children when presented a coloring book.....some were eatable...some were not....but hey...i`m still here so .....who knew what they feed us with.... :) :p
I tried several usually different meat sources years ago at a wild game benefit dinner. I tried both bobcat and mountain lion. They were both good. Crow, not to my taste. Skunk, actually not bad. Opossum, could not get past the smell. Racoon, smell and greasy, not for me. Coyote, tough and stringy with little flavor. Bear meat is good, but greasy at times. Elk is the very best. Moose isn't bad, but can be overcooked easily. Rattlesnake, bland and little to no flavor. Think those sound odd. Kangaroo wasn't to bad. Camel wasn't good but could have been because it was dry and overcooked. I won't go into it more as some may find it offensive, but these were all farm raised animals, except for the crow, opossum and racoon. And the moose was wild.
Bear kaboobs cooked well
Alligator bites ( yum)
Moose steaks ( pretty good )
Deer all day long
Can’t get enough of bbq eel
Frog legs

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