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I know it seems like this one stalled. It didn't 8)

We have been sorting out various things with regards to different chemistry relating to different types of base solutions and have got to the point where we can build the first complete rig. The rig is designed around completing the whole process in an area no greater than 2 cubic metres from start to end. That includes the reaction vessel, the header tank, the pumps, pipework, electrical conduits, cells and all ancillary equipment. The unit is being constructed in 316 SS giving flexibility to use a variety of leaches. Naturally that's involved quite an investment in raw materials and the TIG welding has been quite "involved."

The pics below show the chassis along with the base catch tank system being implemented.


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Good to see this thread starting up again, to summarize, you are using the same cell you devised from discussions with Deano, and now incorporating a tank and closed loop plumbing to effectively use one system for different leaches depending on the feedstock.

How are you addressing the tendency for circuit boards or e-scrap to trap air and not allow for proper circulation / wetting by the leachate? Are you moving the material during the strip process? If not, this can greatly effect your ability to process large lots as the solution needs to flow freely and not be trapped in the voids created by static parts which are not moving, tumbling, or somehow allowing for the circulation.

This is a quantum leap forward from the carbon felt cell to an entire system incorporating pumps, power supply, leach tanks and many other goodies you have yet to unveil.
So a couple of things...

For people without access to a 3D printer, in the US there is a company called Campbell Manufacturing that makes PVC well points. These are pieces of standard diameter PVC that will have a ton of small slits cut in the pipe. They are dirt cheap compared to a normal well point. Usually about $20 for a 3 or 4 foot piece of it. They also make it in many different diameters.

Now...as for the system itself...this is awesome. I sort of wish I would not have read about it, as I'm not going to be thinking about it constantly!

My question is in regards to the use of AA or gravimetric method of determining solution concentration. It seems that these would be required only to maximize the efficiency of the system? If you recirculate leach liquor that has not yet been entirely stripped of metals, will it not get another chance to be stripped completely the next time around? It may just take a couple extra cycles...at only the cost of the clock and the carbon rod?
So what I haven't figured out is what kind of felt is this? The PAN or the Rayon?

Anybody figure out an Amazon product? Plumber Pad? Weld Blanket? etc?
anachronism said:
Straightforward carbon Felt Sno. between 6mm and 10mm depending on your cell design.

Yeah, the product "carbon felt" offers really nothing in the way of products via amazon/other online sales places. Carbon felt soundproofing gives even less.

I can usually find sources for stuff local, but I have a feeling I'll have to order from ceramaterials.
I did try to order a piece from a backpacking hobbiest site. It has the right appearance, we'll see once it arrives.

I'd order from ceramaterials, but they claim to have a $100 minimum order. I'll see if they'll sell a couple square feet for R&D work later.

If not, it appears fuel cell hobbiests are using the same type of felt for battery development.
anachronism said:
autumnwillow said:
Pricing would be up to you but do not forget the discount for GRF members!

Haha to be honest my main focus is getting a completely operational system. Ironing out the bumps in the road to develop a complete, self contained leach circuit is one of the most interesting things I have done in years. The most expensive single piece for the leach circuit arrived today. Do bear in mind that I am designing my own to operate on a semi-commercial/commercial scale and it can all be scaled down as well as up.
4Metals joggged my memory with the mention of aquariums. Rather than use a fancy pump, wouldn't it be easier to just use the technique of a bubble column generated by an air pump to help circulate the stripping solution. One added benefit would be the aeration of the solution to increase the activity.
No, as maintaining the levels is pretty important to proper function. You may be able to do away with one of the metering pumps, but it is going to be a lot easier to control with two.

A two pump system is actually commonly used as an introductory controls tutorial in PLC programming.
snoman701 said:
No, as maintaining the levels is pretty important to proper function. You may be able to do away with one of the metering pumps, but it is going to be a lot easier to control with two.

A two pump system is actually commonly used as an introductory controls tutorial in PLC programming.

if you have the cell in the stripping tank (think of an aquarium) there is no problem maintaining level.
Any updates on this? I believe you have a new fancy equipment for this setup!

Apart from cyanide. Have you tried it on chloride wastes? sulfuric wastes? nitric wastes?
For someone like me this system has obvious benefits. Although I'm not using cyanide, the application to recovery of gold from chloride solutions or refining silver dore is mind blowing :)
I'm processing ore that is mainly bromargyrite, with gold, palladium and traces of other pgm's and have been looking at methods for refining the silver dore
A huge thanks to everyone on this site for the wealth of information and assistance they provide. This forum is an amazing resource.
This is ingenious.

Have you guys tested all results through a voltammogram? Cornell has one & I know my professor will let us dabble with it.

We could run an unlimited number of tests assuming you ask the right questions & be political... (Anacronym or Acronym) both are interchangeable as one & the same. That equates to a sound reasoning of electromagnetic chemistry & the science behind it.

After all testing results we would have to submit a paper of “precedence” giving preconceived notion of the unfounded.

All this would have to be approved by the “councilor” of choice.

It is not something to F w/.

You guys have a technique not yet explored I’ll do my due diligence & work with the powers that be.

As an inventor of 37 patents, I can tell you; it is not easy. It is something I struggle with every day. Those struggles consume my life. I look at my wall of Success & forget how I got there.

You want to know about refining? I have given alll I need to tell. Im exhausted.
If you know something no one else does, it is your duty as a scientist or a student of science to uphold society & it’s knowledge, to discovery.

The unknown, is Its vanse escape of the discoverable , is horrifyingly apparent for those that died for the cause... & is inexcusable for those that haven’t.

Lol, most were ideas... I didn’t want to lose & will revisit some day. I look at a bunch & think how I’ve grown since I thought it. A couple (I think) are really good & the rest I believe might be great with a little more engineering.

The point is not to hesitate. Make it yours before someone else makes it theirs. Look at what you have through the looking glass & rid yourself of self-doubt.

I do have a different mindset as most. My Mom has so so many patents for the years she worked for xerox it is amazing! She was a Senior Research scientist & chemist.

She then worked for Bausch & Lomb as a Patent infringement specialist. She constructively criticizes everything I do. If it’s deemed worthy in her eyes she will pull a few strings so the cost hopefully offsets the benefits.

I was trained @ a very early age to grab hold of my ideas & run with them...or at the very least make them legally mine :D

There are so many very smart people on here with original ideas. A lot due to the fact that they did not learn the conventional way & therefore think unconventionally. Making whole avenues of original thought & creativity. It’s amazing!

If you know you have something good, don’t lose it. In this world today we have to protect what we produce.


I searched through the patent database. Without spending hours on all the parameters visited & summing it up into one search & then reading & cross referencing through all patents with similar search parameters...no I did not find any.

That is not to say it doesn’t exist, but that I just didn’t find any.

I thought it important to add that Voltammograms are the results of electrochemical experiments that can be performed with a potentiostat.

You can build one. Look it up.
