***** The Platinumill Exposed and on Trial *****

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Soory Froggy
You are correct 1800 Deg was My typo error it starts working at Much lower 375 deg or so and runs up to around 800 deg at temp under Max work load>
when over worked it does melt down thats why we will see you in a busy intersection looking for spent cat guts> LOL

a engine with 1 cyl misfiring will eat up a CAT in less than an oil change interval because of overworking it and the higher temp the Cat will reach trying to compensate.

as for the cars that shut off> they are called Hybreds and the ford escape to mention just one does exactly that> it runs on electric power using a gas engine as a generator and the engine does shut off at stops and low speeds> many of the hybred cars do the same thing.

In a nutshell do you really thing we couldn't have built these ages ago?

back in the mid 70's Volvo had a gas engine that turned 42+mpg
it was on the market a wopping year> and somehow a car that ran great with super gas milage just for no reason stopped being made?

I tend to wonder how much the oil companies paid Volvo to take that engine out of it's line up?

enough out of me on car stuff> LOL
My Bad, I dont shop for new cars. But those cats honeycombs sure look restictive, especially if they get clogged up with oil, gunk.... guess thats when they start to break up and get blown out, Hmm, mabey I should start beating on mufflers to see if they have any material? HMM. Hmmm...
I dont have the money for a platinumill,but I am working on putting together a 5gallon unit like the one on the actionmining site.I work in a salvage yard and can get cats.I am glad somebody is going to test the platinumill,cant wait for results :)
Glendale Watkins "How I buy 20 cats a day" "make $ buying cats" was a rip for me. The E book wants you to buy a 12.99 book which has sparse info, the it goes into buying the "real secrets" $100 bucks, what a rip, oh well there went 13 bucks , I'm not putting out the other $$$, did anyone else? Well, after reviewing the info several times, I did pick up my $$'s worth especially the free additional info that was sent on other parts that are worth $$ on a scrap car..
Cat guts found on the side of the road, sounds funny, but wouldnt the muffler catch large chunks of broken up honeycomb? mabey, time to go round to the muffler shops shaking a few mufflers??????? Hmm...hmmm :lol:
Wow, the prices on ebay for scrap cats is crazy!!! Something we are missing here,those prices reflect something in there has more than just a couple of grams of pt's etc... any news heavyshakes or kevin?????
Bought my first batch of converters today ( 10 for 150$$), going to flip them/ wish I had a platnim mill or could get the info to make one myself, kevin have you got the 5 gal one going yet? I hate to sell my cats to a middle man or ebay them.... Frog
against some recommendations I think instead of building one I am going to buy at least my first unit. I should be purchasing a system III by months end. since temp. and venting fumes are important I want to do my processing outside so I may just have the unit collecting dust until I can get more than a couple decent days of warmer weather. heck it's been 50+ last 2 days here. unless I find a better method between now and then.

Could you give a link for the system III plz, I think I found the site but did not see a system III complete unit with price , Thx Frog found it!!! just had to go to the index,,,,,,,,,,, these "systems" look really low buck, suppose they are trying to get you for the fancy cd that tells you how to use it........ Hmmm I am thinking of putting together one of these myself. then bug you guys how to use it! haaa...
oh I agree it looks "low buck" but I can't say I know for sure how the paddle is joined the shaft to the blade, and with it being in acid it's pretty safe to say it's not a standard screw. and the motor they use to aggitate may be fun to find and setup. other than that it's all acids, quartz heater, filter bag, anode and cathode. so you could always churn by hand. all this in consideration is why I think I'll buy my first unit. believe me the building one does seem more appealing but there is something to be said for instant gratification ( LOL in the words of my wife).
Instant gratification gave me 6 kids!!!! I was thinking of building one of the big boys!! I am in the process of getting a route together to get cat's 10-15 a day should do, Then BAM! Process them. If I can get a good idea of what cats are worth with me processing them, then I will start buying them from guys that sell them, that would keep me from running around like a crack head bugging people for the the cats, one small step at a time.....
newest info on platinumill, they have terrible feedback from customers etc, etc,, and goldsilverpro has given the best way to get the most out of your converter PGM's see this thread- http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?t=1479
You all want the truth with the platinumill? Iam probably the only one on this forum who actually sacked up and bought one! I ran two tests to date. The first test was lousy. I ran half a bucket of crushed material and the other half pulverized to a fine powder. The machine clogged on the first run. The battery charger he provided was a cheap 10 amp car battery charger that clicked on and off during the cycle and was worthless for this process and i didnt have any recovery except for 1.45 grams of sticky resin that stuck to the anodes. Second test I ran same problem with clogging. You need to get yourself a real power supply that has a continuous output so you dont run into these problems(that was $200 bucks later) then another problem i ran into was how do i keep the solution at 120 degrees? Nothing is provided with this machine so i had to buy quartz heaters from caswell (ceramic quartz heaters 15.99 a piece i bought 3) these are awesome and i am going to run my last batch of material fully ready this time with everything ironed out so i can say or the platinumill propieter Rob Diller cant say well you didnt do this right and this, etc. etc. You need quartz ceramic heaters guys you cant stick anything that is metal in the solution or it will plate out with the pgms. They come with a seperate thermo control unit that you can plug all three heaters into and it goes all the way up to 320 degrees! Aside from these peddely issues...there are bigger ones. You buy the platinumill and then you get no support. He never answers the calls you make or emails and he doesnt send instructions at all he just posts them on the site and basically if you dont know what the hell you are doing you my friend will be in for a really big surprise because all he does is avoid you after you buy the machine. Your left with yourself and your own methods of how the thing works(this is what happened to me). The filter bags for the anodes were cut way to small making me call action mining and spending more money for the filter material. All and all I have spent so much money to get this thing up and running the right way now. I cant wait to run this final batch. I have 38 more days to send this machine back according to our contract and I will let you all know how this weeks session goes with all of you here at this forum. Anyone here who wants to talk about this more in detail can call me anytime or email me
(559) 288-2713
[email protected]

Did you roast the cat material first to get rid of
the carbon before processing? From what Action
Minings DVD and even Megan Rose's info says
you must roast the material to get rid of the carbon
or you will have problems.
I plan on building my own machine and have been
building up the parts, and wanting to do it right have
been patient. When I used my System III type setup
I had the same problem with the battery charger kicking
on and off, so I know I need a "real" power supply
for a System IV type setup. I also wondered how the
machine wouldn't clog up, and how the solution circulates
going up the column, and the down the clear tube-then
how would it have enough force to go up the next tube?
Is there some kind of screen in the bottom and top of
the tubes to prevent clogs? All these are questions I
had to get answered to build my machine, or else do
some experimenting with water before going to the
acids and maybe wasting any cat monolith.
Good luck with your next batch, since you put out
the bucks you should at least be satisfied with the
results of the machine working, I think the amounts
he says would get are greatly exagerated., even if
that is with the best exotic cats, how often do you
really run into them? He should be giving domestic
cat results that you can find everyday, not setting
people up for dissapointment.
I'm almost speechless. I have decided to start looking into grinding my materials, doing an assay and send my products to a refiner as members on this forum have pointed out, less hassle, less danger, more accuracy on what I send. But, none the less, we are all looking forward to your results. The few times I have called platinumill, they sound like abunch of rednecks (no offence to rednecks, I live deep in the heart of Texas myself) that are running around with there heads cut off. Keep up the post Rob, Frog
I have heard that the reason for roasting is to convert the ceramic to a state that makes it much less soluble in acids. I would guess that, if it weren't roasted, the ceramic slimes could really gum up the works.


Look before you leap. Before you set up or do anything, talk to the buyer(s) and make sure that they will accept this ground material and, under what conditions. Ask them what should be done. There are other things you'll have to learn: How to sample? How to blend? What to do with the higher grade ultra fines - you may want to screen them off and ship 2 lots?

Also, the buyer will most probably want to blend and sample in his facility. You should be there and witness this entire operation. When blended, a set of samples are made up for each party. The material should then be put into drums and sealed with numbered seals. When each party has finished their assays, the settlement is made. Only then, are the drums opened.

I've only hit on a few things. There are more. Much depends on what the buyer says. Also, remember that we're talking tonnage sized lots.

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