***** The Platinumill Exposed and on Trial *****

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also notice that fella at platinumill was getting neg. feedback even on his own web site he got tired of it and the effort it was taking to keep up with deleteing it and now has removed it all together. I guess it's safe for everyone to make thier own opinions from there on why a standup company would do that.
Not exactly what I would call customer service.
I think I'll hold on to my ... $$$? for right now.
Wouldn't be suprised if a couple of others feel the same.
The Platinumill is not a machine to invest in. Why? Its not correctly put together for one, and if you want this machine to work its like you have to spend more money to fix all of the glitches. The clogging is notorious. It happens constantly there is no way around it. The machine does not circulate effectively either. I ran so many tests with water only at first.Then the real 50% HCL and 50% water with 100ml of sulfuric acid for every gallon of solution and then finally an ounce of CLS 26P for every gallon(from Action Mining) with converter material(about a 5 gallon bucket full of crushed material with some powder also) .Then after trial and error the last test I ran was again plain water and my Uncle gave me a smart idea which i should have done in the first place also. To shoot red dye or any color dye into the water to see if it is circulating. Well guess what? The machine didnt circulate the dye throughout the system. There was all kinds of areas where you would see it bleed into the pure water but not completly. The Verdict? Dont buy the machine! It does not do what it says at all.

Thanks Rob,
Alot of us have been contemplating this machine.
Sorry that you had to be the one to bite the bullet.
I'll let you know of my progress with the system III when and if.

Hey guys, what happens to the honeycomb material that is ran through the system? is it disolved completely? basicly the pgm's are washed off the ceramic honeycomb material and deposited on to the plate thingy? The honeycomb is made of ceramic and doesnt get effected? does it turn color after being washed? Seems like you wouldnt want to crush the material ,but leave it whole allowing fluid to travel through it. You may not process as much but the wash would seem better? Thx, Frog
Has anyone processed the "slimes" yet.... Found a smelter? Minimum amount of slime they will process? Any #s on value of cats you processed? Mark, I'm really wanting to know how the action mining system works out,,,,,, Frog
I might be interested in processing the slimes. I don't want to buy them, but I'd charge a fee (idk say 6% of recovered values) to separate out the materials into Pd, Rh, and Pt powder.
Thats alot better rate than techemet!!! Somebody send this man some slimy stuff......plz....
Yea Frog, no problem.
Things just haven't moved along as quickly as I'd hoped.
I've basically got a $2000 experiment in the works.
I intend to share those results with you guys... good or bad.
I 've read alot about how most converters are shipped out of the country to asia to do the recovery where labor is cheap.
I'd rather guys like us do it here if it can be done.
I have a reputable individual that has agreed to do some tests once I produce some resin.
I'm hoping to get at least some information for my $$ in the next 30 days.
I will keep you posted
Froggy said:
Seems like you wouldnt want to crush the material ,but leave it whole allowing fluid to travel through it. You may not process as much but the wash would seem better? Thx, Frog

I wondered the same. The pgm's should be on the surface of the materials, not mixed in with the base. Would you not be better off just leaving it hole :?:
Hvyshakes was having a problem with flow,(dye test showed very little) I know you couldnt process as much, but do you really save that much room/volume by crushing it? I also wonder about a ball mill? crush it into oblivion and then seperate it with a really fine shaker table? action mining has some really fine material shaker tables..... just a thought... frog
while we are on the topic of leaching, etc material... anyone know of how many different, practical, small scale methods are out there? And other than AR and non iodized salts methods? Which steve found the salts method to be better. Kudos to steve for sharing his research with us all!!! Which methods are better production quanity/quality wise?

I talked to a guy the other day that said he knows of a smelter that takes the resin and pays out 3-5% of spot but has a $500 assay charge on resin/pgm assays to make it worth his time. seems most I find online from other searches appears closer to 10% of spot but no assay cost.
It usually is a quantity thing. If you hold up and wait til you have 100 ounces of PGMs, or equivalent amount of values in the resin, then usually those fellows are really nice to you and will give you much more money. Also you can be a little demanding when you have a quantity like that saying things like "well, if you want another 100 t. oz. next month, then I think I'd like a fairer price, or maybe you can waive the assay fee?"

There are many ways to skin a cat :D

I've mentioned before that I'm working on a dry process that involves heat and a halogen gas. Then there's an aqueous work up (pretty much dissolve the salt, oxidize it, then selectively precipitate it).

Conventionally it's: dissolve substrate, then dissolve residues (Pd and Pt, fusion for Rh, or direct halogenation).

I've also heard of people using ammonium bromide, sulfuric acid, and oxygen/H2O2 in an autoclave at couple hundred degrees or so, 96-98% yields IIRC. This is from what I remember of a patent from the South Dakota School of Mines... I can dig it up if anyone wants it?

Also heard of 170C cyanide leach which boasts 98% yields. Again, from a patent, I can go find it if anyone wants it.

I read on another forum that cyanide leaching is the preferred method that most of the large gold refiners use because it is the cheapest way to go. This is the first I've heard of using it for pgm's. Evidently, maintaining the proper ph is a must, if you don't want alot of dangerous gas around.
I don't think I'm quite ready to be chasing the ph around with this stuff yet. It does sound interesting though.
Meh, keep it pretty strongly basic and you're in the clear.

General rule is if you smell burnt almonds...get the hell out of there :p
Lou said:
Meh, keep it pretty strongly basic and you're in the clear.

General rule is if you smell burnt almonds...get the hell out of there :p


Cyanide Species

The term cyanide refers to a singularly charged anion consisting of one carbon atom and one nitrogen atom joined with a triple bond, CN-. The most toxic form of cyanide is free cyanide, which includes the cyanide anion itself and hydrogen cyanide, HCN, either in a gaseous or aqueous state. At a pH of 9.3 - 9.5, CN- and HCN are in equilibrium, with equal amounts of each present. At a pH of 11, over 99% of the cyanide remains in solution as CN-, while at pH 7, over 99% of the cyanide will exist as HCN. Although HCN is highly soluble in water, its solubility decreases with increased temperature and under highly saline conditions. Both HCN gas and liquid are colorless and have the odor of bitter almonds, although not all individuals can detect the odor.
call me gun shy but the idea of playing with CN/HCN makes me a little uneasy at this point unless I really knew more of the in's and out's of useing it. Cheaper is always a perk but no perk (money, or saving a few bucks, pretty metals, etc...) is worth my continued existance as a living, breathing, functioning being. I guess it's more of the idea of it being used in gas chambers that tends to make me a bit more shy.
I need to try to find a local chemist that can help me get set up with a system I have in mind, I do not need to burn my lungs out or blow myself up! I dont see anyone on this forum from the Houston area though. Mabey I should contact the local university?

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