***** The Platinumill Exposed and on Trial *****

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loco said:
call me gun shy but the idea of playing with CN/HCN makes me a little uneasy at this point unless I really knew more of the in's and out's of useing it. Cheaper is always a perk but no perk (money, or saving a few bucks, pretty metals, etc...) is worth my continued existance as a living, breathing, functioning being. I guess it's more of the idea of it being used in gas chambers that tends to make me a bit more shy.

This is why I don't like it:

is it the language that I think is german? or the skull and cross bones on the label that is the reason you don't care for it?

LOL hey before anyone takes any offense to the german comment, that stems from that wierd feeling I get when you walk into a room and you are the only person in the room not speaking "X" language. Which has happened to me in spanish, german, chinese and japanese while hanging out with friends of mine. so easy does it! no harm intended.
loco said:
is it the language that I think is german? or the skull and cross bones on the label that is the reason you don't care for it?

LOL hey before anyone takes any offense to the german comment, that stems from that wierd feeling I get when you walk into a room and you are the only person in the room not speaking "X" language. Which has happened to me in spanish, german, chinese and japanese while hanging out with friends of mine. so easy does it! no harm intended.

The Ammonium salt of Hydrocyanic Acid. It was used to murder millions of innocent people in the concentration camps. Every time I smell bitter almonds, I think of those people and that it was the last thing they smelled.
Visited one of the KZ-camps in Poland once. They have a monument there: A domed concrete builiding, with a huge pile of ashes in the middle, nothing else...

(The Germans were not the first to kill people in gas chambers using cyanide, bý the way).

If you want the rest of your day ruined, just google "democide".
peter i said:
Visited one of the KZ-camps in Poland once. They have a monument there: A domed concrete builiding, with a huge pile of ashes in the middle, nothing else...

(The Germans were not the first to kill people in gas chambers using cyanide, bý the way).

If you want the rest of your day ruined, just google "democide".

they just did it on an industrial scale.
Lazersteves method washed (ate away) the pgm,s from the beads alot more that the other method., I suppose it depends on how long you wash them in both methods? Sure like the pics Steve, looking forward to the honeycomb pics. Would you use the system III process but with a different solution (salt solution)to achieve the results you did? Is your cd close to being finished yet? Im about to give in and buy the action mining cd. Thx Frog
Mark, dare I ask how the $499.00 system III turned into a $2000 project? And, Sure I will send you a blank disk or vhs tape of your method!!! Cant wait for your results, no really I cant wait. Ill fly up tommorow and help you! :lol: OOOOHHH, too late I ordered the action mining cd..... nice people... Frog

The sample of beads I posted the photos of was treated for 1 hour with the sulfuric salt bath @ 135C.

I've never seen the system III plans so I don't really know if the chems will work with it or not. I just heated the beads in a flask under reflux to achieve my results, no fancy equipment required.

The DVD is still in progress, I'm trying to get my hands on a decent quantity of Platinum to make the video results meaningful. I refuse to put out the DVD until it meets my standards. When it's finished it will be worth the wait.

I'm working on the honeycombs as part of the DVD also.

Loco,Page 5 of this thread :::markqf1

Joined: 25 Nov 2007
Posts: 31
Location: georgia
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 7:02 pm Post subject:


Yea Frog, no problem.
Things just haven't moved along as quickly as I'd hoped.
I've basically got a $2000 experiment in the works.
I intend to share those results with you guys... good or bad.
I 've read alot about how most converters are shipped out of the country to asia to do the recovery where labor is cheap.
I'd rather guys like us do it here if it can be done.
I have a reputable individual that has agreed to do some tests once I produce some resin.
I'm hoping to get at least some information for my $$ in the next 30 days.
I will keep you posted
Thx, Steve, I will be throwing together something myself soon. Sure seems the easy and cheap way to do it.
$2000 experiment = ...

I was offered $900 cash for the converters this sample material came from.
System III is $499.00 before taxes and shipping.
CLS-26P 10 lbs. $82.00 plus taxes and shipping.
Video package was $199.00.
Acids obtained locally $125.00
Baking soda and fire extingusher in case of accident $45.00
Propane gas to "roast" material $18.00.
And I still will have to find and pay for a legal way to ship resins(if there are any).
Add it all up and its easy to see what it takes.
Maybe most people wouldn't consider the $900 dollars I could have gotten for the converters as a loss, but uh ... I do!
Johnson Matthey's step by step refining program provides you with a hassle free method for the reclamation of your precious metal assets

Thx for the info, I need to hurry and get going before my dreamhouse is sold, check this out!! If I'm going to dream, mind as well go all the way!! http://www.idxcentral.com/idxsearch.cfm?idxid=tluxp&pg=profile&mls=2703420&start=41&list=49&from_price=950000&to_price=1500000&sqft=0&bed=4&bath=0&comarea=any&ptype=Single%20Family%2COther&rows=10&do=any&acmin=0&acmax=99999&fl=any&ybmin=0&set=any&lo=any&loid=any&la=any
I bet that $5900 a month equates into a helluva lot of cats to have to process. I'm sure they would consider all reasonable offers, with the housing market being what it is right now.
Hmm 30 lrg or exotic foriegn a month should pay for it. I doubt they are having a problem with selling these houses in this area, same goes for L.A certain hoods will never go down in value, ie. Rodeo Dr., aspen, downtown manhatten etc.. would be awsome if they would take a 50% off sale, mabey next year if things get worse in that area.... i'll be saving my PGM's..
Just finished the action mining cd, good info, but I have to disagree with his method of figuring time to keep material washing, you are not going to leach all the same material in bulk!! The honeycomb pieces will all be of different value. My thoughts are are wash them till they start to look eaten away? just my thoughts, what do yall think? I like the assay he did on the gm caddy converter, assayed out at 35oz of pgm's a ton, figure roughly $1500 per oz of PGM's after cost. That would equal $26.25 per pound of converter material. lets just say a gm converter material is at 7lb that would be 183.75..... I can pick up Lrg. gm converters all day at 100 bucks per, so a 83.25 profit? not too shaby if your only doing 10 converters a day. But my mind doesnt work that way, 300-500 a day sounds better!!! Yep im going in to this further, hook line and sinker. Now to start building a system. Steve have you assayed any converters lately? He mentioned on the video that lrg trucks have a ton of PGM's,, I dont know what he means by Lrg. Trucks , but I will find out!! Frog

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