***** The Platinumill Exposed and on Trial *****

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Guess it depends on model? I was just using averages, 100-112 bucks for a lrg gm is full price a scrap person can get for them at the lrg. refiners, I have paid as low as $15 and as much as $80 for lrg gm,,,,,, guys that go to salvage yards give more, they try to pick up a couple of hundred a day and then flip them the same day, not a bad day if you buy 100 converters and make 2-10 bucks on each of them... but you better have a big wad, and a big gun around here carrying that kind of cash... Frog
I know diesel converters from diesel pickups and cars do not bring much. And some are huge. mabey he was talking about mack, kenworth etc? Or mabey offroad heavy equipment, skidders, dozers, cat, komatsu etc??? Wait a minute, I dont think they even have cats on offroad equipment.
I think cats on diesel vehicles are a very new
thing. You probably won't find that many yet.
They are retrofitting some older trucks and buses,
but my guess is if they are doing that they plan
on keeping them in their fleets for awhile.
Off road equipment burns "red " fuel with higher sulfur contents and lower taxes. I had read that some (road)diesel converters had pgm content worth recovery. just looking!
Having bought M.R.'s (Shhh, you know who) Plats from Cats manual, she claims that the Platinum content in the Diesel Cats are much higher than petrol versions.
Basically she said that she found that there was no palladium in them, just Platinum and Rhodium.
Can anyone confirm (or deny!) this.

I would wonder about that...the (formerly) high ~500ppm levels of sulfurous compounds in diesel would have quickly poisoned any catalyst without Rhenium in the mix. I don't recall platinum or rhodium going well with sulfur fumes...in fact, if there were excess air present, the Pt and Rh would catalytically make SO3 from sulfur dioxide, and that produces H2SO4 on contact with water vapour in the air!

I'm willing to bet it's not just Rh and Pt...
Lou said:
I would wonder about that...the (formerly) high ~500ppm levels of sulfurous compounds in diesel would have quickly poisoned any catalyst without Rhenium in the mix. I don't recall platinum or rhodium going well with sulfur fumes...in fact, if there were excess air present, the Pt and Rh would catalytically make SO3 from sulfur dioxide, and that produces H2SO4 on contact with water vapour in the air!

I'm willing to bet it's not just Rh and Pt...

Not there if you don't look for them. 8)
I have been having problems getting on the forum?It searches for www.digitsdndletters.com/check/n14046.htm ? my computer freezes and gets stuck there, so did my wifes.....I cheated and went straight to this thread, I had it saved to here....????? I Ordered a adjustable 2 gal per hr pump today and picking up teflon coated valves and piping tommorow. cleared out the garage and dusting off the big fans..... frog
Well,looks like lou is the man to go to for the slimes, multimetco and jmathey do not take the material.... Ok, Im kinda confused, the action mining video shows his PGm material hardned and in gravel like form, that material should be over 80% PGM's ??? with no acids, washed? Anyone should take this material,,,, I think they will not take any solutions or slimes from the cleanups especially any that has acid residules, which can be neutralized?, , but after the PGM'c have collected and hardened anyone can finish it, correct? just trying to ge this all straight...... And what are you guys using to get your material over 700 degrees to burn off the carbon, and your method? Thx, Frog
I found a way around it, i just go straight to this thread, if I try to go to other parts of the forum, it comes up and locks my computer, I then have to take the battery out and unplug, reboot everything, Im about to smelt my entire laptop! :lol:
If you look around, you can find a stainless steel trough (used for watering/feeding animals) that will hold over 100lbs of converter honeycomb. Build a fire underneath that and put in your crushed up material.

I found one for free sitting out on a friend's property so I don't know how much they cost, only that a place like Tractor Supply should have them.
Does anyone know for sure if roasting is really needed?
I talked with a guy that claims he just boils the stuff in AR and directly poors it off when finished. I guess if you are quick enough, any carbon wouldn't have a chance to reprecipitate any values.
If you will be using that cls26p3987 stuff....:)....I am not sure you will be getting all of the rho.
From what I learned, say you are processing 100lb of good cats, you expect to have $4500 or approx 3 oz of pgms,,,,, but you leave2.5 oz of carbon on the cats, the carbon ionizes and will collect the same value of pgm's or 2.5oz, leaving you with .5 oz of pgm's,,, now the 2.5 of pgm;s are left in the solution, mabey your friend knows how to collect this material? I;m sure some of the smarty guys here will chime in and give more details.... Frog
Heating up the converter to a dull red heat is just more based on sound practice--it removes another thing to worry about.

As for carbon reprecipitating values, I don't know how true that is, but I'd imagine not that true otherwise platinum would just plate itself right out when I make Pt/C catalysts. But no, it doesn't, it needs a better reducing agent than micron-sized activated carbon.

Actually, boiling in aqua regia should oxidize the carbon to CO/CO2. I've seen some evidence in some work I have personally done with dissolve Pt out off of carbon.
Hmm, the info I saw was based on the action mining video, he used a 50/50 solution with muratic acid with a pinch of his secret formula cls26p, I have not decided which leaching compound to use yet( open to suggestions? what's your choice and why? ), i do not want to strip off all the pgm's as I will forward the converter material to techemet or the like and allow them to get the rest, i have to leave a little behind! So I'm shooting for 60-80% of the pgm's and leaving the rest... I will have to save enough material, 1000lb for them to do this , but it gets rid of the material and I stilll make something off of it,,,... Frog
I think Mike from Action Mining says that the carbon combines
with the platinum and probably the other metals to make things
more difficult. I don't think he is saying it is reprecipitating values.
I am not a chemist, and Mike from Action Mining isn't either, so i
can't really explain the carbon problem, except that he says roasting
the cat material before processing gets rid of the carbon to avoid
problems with it. I have to watch the DVD again to freshen up what
he says. Jim

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