***** The Platinumill Exposed and on Trial *****

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crazychicken said:
If you produce gold sponge by the solvent extraction/liquid liquid separation method I will buy the sponge @95% of spot, three-day turnaround FOB my location.

It must be washed with 12% HCl solution and rinsed appropriatley to remove residuals.

Up to 400 ounces a week.


From what i've been reading, industrial scale operations are going to the solvent extraction route.
ok is it me or has this thread gotten a bit off track? ....platinumill....catalytic converter processing....pgm's.....difficulty from process cat material vs. ore... all in same realm. and yes it's been side tracked here and there but basicly on the same but now someone trying to buy sponge extracted from gold ore??
I was thinking of selling some of my gold that I have refined to purchase a DC Power Solutions 24 volt DC battery powered air conditioner for my 1974 Steyr Puch Pingauer 712 AMB-S six wheel Swiss military ambulance. I think I am going to have to spend some time installing AGM batteries and a Xantrex inverter first and the make some mods to the fiberglass foam core box to get it to work right.

Let me know if you want me to post pics?

How's that to sticking to the post topic?????


markqf1 said:
What's the difference between a solvent and a leach soloution?

The solvent method is like using Butyl Diglyme to extract Gold Chloride from an mixed solution (leach). The leach is usually a water based acid solution (Cyanide is basic) and a hydrophobic organic solvent that selectively attracts the Precious metal ions from the water phase to the organic solvent phase. Different solvents attract different groups of Precious metal ions, thus allowing easy separation of, say Gold, from a complex mixture of metallic and other ions. The water phase and the solvent phase form distinct layers that can be mechanically separated and treated to extract the values.

Using BDG has been discussed in previous threads.
Ok the paint peeler dryer thing burned out, took it back and found the 3ft torch/propane thing, WOW, it rocks,,, turns the substrate red in a couple of seconds,,, was only $49,,,,,, I had it on low... everythings hooked up and ran a test with h20, will mix my acids and get going in the a.m---- LOU, are you ready for some material? pm me with an address if you want to assay this stuff,, Frog
Some hereabouts might think solvent extraction is off topic but the South African Platinum refineries are going to it due to lower cost and less pollution.

Grow up.
I have the cleanest Floor! What a day. I started and ran the system with h20. added my hcl, evrythings cool. Brought the temp up and added ny cls26p and then the (Holy Crap!) liquid fire,,, Guess I,m I'm not use to acids (im not) and was surprised by the action..... thankfully I have been subliminaly directed by a few on the forum, I had my gloves,mask, and a respirator,,,, well at about hour 5 these things came in handy, My connection from my solution container (igloo) to my pump started leaking bad, real bad ( I used teflon liquid?), It was like flowing out all over the floor bad, safety equipment on , I was able to pump my golden colored pgm' solution into several containers, what a mess,,,, I cleaned everything up and i threw my plates into a 5gallon bucket and cranked it back up , what the heck I'm running similar to a a system 3 now, oh well,,, guess I will run the material a little bit at a time,,,, thanks all who promote safety equipment, I almost didnt buy a respirator the other day, I would have been majorly screwed,,, the saga continues, will keep you posted,, Frog
Froggy said:
I have the cleanest Floor! What a day. I started and ran the system with h20. added my hcl, evrythings cool. Brought the temp up and added ny cls26p and then the (Holy Crap!) liquid fire,,, Guess I,m I'm not use to acids (im not) and was surprised by the action..... thankfully I have been subliminaly directed by a few on the forum, I had my gloves,mask, and a respirator,,,, well at about hour 5 these things came in handy, My connection from my solution container (igloo) to my pump started leaking bad, real bad ( I used teflon liquid?), It was like flowing out all over the floor bad, safety equipment on , I was able to pump my golden colored pgm' solution into several containers, what a mess,,,, I cleaned everything up and i threw my plates into a 5gallon bucket and cranked it back up , what the heck I'm running similar to a a system 3 now, oh well,,, guess I will run the material a little bit at a time,,,, thanks all who promote safety equipment, I almost didnt buy a respirator the other day, I would have been majorly screwed,,, the saga continues, will keep you posted,, Frog

Please read Irons signature line--------

I told you on the phone what I thought of that method and suggested a different approach.

Well I had everything already, figured what the hay.... ,,, I'm still looking into the iodide complex with the Dow or the resintech ,, they are sending me a sample of the sir-400,,, i sent you a p.m Frog Check out my new signature line!
Are your thoughts on this method based on experience?
If so, ...clue the rest of us in please!

with resins do you feel they are or can be as effective as firing for getting metals? resin of choice?

I got the catalog's we spoke about. the housing guy was fast ... both emailed and snail mailed.
F%*%'n Home depot,,, gave me a nylon reducer, my fault i guess..... ate right through it..
sounds like you had a chemical spill just as I did except with your own machine froggy. Dont you love that smell too? You will not see anything collect on those plates or in your filter bags by the way also. I dont mean to discourage you but its the truth. Good Luck.

Also, if anyone here can get a hold of a jewelers kiln(burnout oven) that gets up to 2500 degrees this is just as good to use for the method i described to you all. Get a deep crucible that will hold the pulverized powder. Add your pulverized material to it with about the same amount of borax powder and then drop a fistful of lead in to the mix. Wait until glass has formed all over your crucible stiring in between with a quartz rod and until all powder is gone completely. pour out the molten lead into a mold former. Take a clean graphite crucible afterwards and put the lead back into this crucible that you just poured into a mold. reheat until it has been dissolved into the graphite crucible. Presto your plat group metals should be the only thing remaining at the bottom of that graphite crucible. ")


It would probably make things a lot easier if you were to use something called the 'parkes process' on your lead. It works by the pgms in the molten lead selectivly migrating into a layer of molten zinc that floats on the lead. The zinc and lead don't alloy significantly and the zinc can be ladled off. It may take some experimentation to get the amounts and temperatures right, but that would be the way to go probably rather than burning off all the lead. Hope this helps.
I don't see the lead being that well absorbed into the graphite crucible. I've melted lead in clay graphite, and I didn't see (noticeably) any lead go into it, or did the crucible feel heavier after casting.

I'm pretty sure you need either magnesite or bone ash to do that.

About the Parkes process, that does in fact work, and it works nicely. It takes advantage of the fact that Au, Ag, and PGMs are more soluble in zinc than in lead, and that lead and zinc are immiscible. It's actually pretty tough to skim off the zinc from the lead (yep, I've tried this before!).

You simply dissolve away all the zinc with HCl, and you're left with your values. If there is lead, you will have significant contamination of PbCl2 which must be removed with many hot water rinses.


Edited because I don't even know how to spell a method I myself have used! Wow, doesn't that do something for my credibility :p Sorry guys if it caused any problems looking it up!

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