***** The Platinumill Exposed and on Trial *****

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My first lesson learned with the Sys.III...

Tempature control... tempature control... tempature control.
This quartz heater is made to maintain the temp, not heat it up.
If you don't start with everything already heated to about 140 degrees(including the cat material), then your wasting your time.

The electrical current can only be controlled by the addition of a custom made piece of pvc pipe, added to the bottom of the carbon rod and slid up or down to adjust for proper amperage.

Also, if material is not crushed to absoloute powder, it will not work with this Sys.

Everthing is in the preparation.
It's not hard to do, you just got to stay ahead of everything.
I am now filtering the material through a cricket box.
I then put it back into my roaster and heat it up.
I have a mop sink that I fill with hot water(140 degrees)then place the jugs of acid in to heat them from the outside. The distilled water is heated over the burner. When you have it all up to temp,... you're ready.
It's also easier to have everything already measured and weighed before you start. Be sure... double sure to have a respirator because this stuff is nasty. I've had problems trying to post pics becuase of a resolution thing
but, if anybody is interested in pics, contact me by pm and I'll see if I can email them to you.
I don't want anyone to think I have made the system work just yet.
Still a bit more testing to be done.
I'll keep you informed.

and the race is on.......

anyone get an assay done yet on thier chosen method of recovery? anyone having any luck with thier recovery? this should all be good once all the kinks are worked out. I can't wait till weather breaks here so I can at least try leaching in one form or another.

you guys in warmer climates than us here in the northern parts of the country keep up the good work. I think it hit 9 degrees here this morning without wind chill. closer to lake michigan they have over 30 inches of snow on the ground now.

how about you up there Noxx. how's the snow fall up there?

keep me posted fella how things are going. heck if not in open forum you can pm me or email me at thanks.

- Rich
You probably won't apprieciate my reply, but uh... the weather is why I live in Ga.
I must be cold blooded or something.
As far as assays are concerned, at this point I have assays in the works on the raw material only.
My intention is to have the material assayed again when I'm done leaching it all.
This should tell me what was available and what I've collected.
I will reserve any comment about the concentrates until I have hard data.
Your at the top of the list when I get some.
The Sys. III could be duplicated for a whole lot less than I paid.
Anybody interested can pm me.

I'm working on it.

awesome. I appreciate at least knowing it's in the works and I believe the method you are doing will definately give some hard data. By the way that motor if you do some shopping around online I've seen for like $74 from the system III. the paddle and paddle shaft that attach to the motor and the bracket across the top of the bucket that supports the motor and the quartz heater I guess what you are really paying for. the bucket I can get for about $3. and motor he uses for like $74. and froggy and hvyshakes have mentioned in the past about finding cheap quartz heaters. and I guess the good things is he says supports his products he sells, and if one was looking for a starting point then I guess it's a ok start. and definately more than we can say for the platinumill.
Yes Loco,
I have definitley scrutinized this System from an economic veiwpoint.
There has been some craftsmenship put into the construction of the paddle assembley and, you have to take into consideration the cost of the battery charger.
I'm not trying to make myself feel good here ,... or even better about my investment.
I can see though that, it would take quite a bit of R&D to evolve it to the point it is.
If it doesn't work, ... then I take all of that back. :lol:

Where you at Frog,
Got them resins yet?

How about you Shakes, got a smelter yet?

I don't know what I have yet.
It may turn out to be nothing other than an expensive chemistry lesson on what not to do.
We'll see what it turns out to be!

Yep, This hurry up and wait is killing me, really, it takes alot to get everything together. Thought I had it together with the "other setup" n guess I will have to sucker someone with a $130 video, carbon plates&filters, and a new 25amp power supply, oh yea, I almost forgot the magic clsp26! The nice thing about the bromine and bead set up is that no one has tried to "sell" it to me, must be the right way to go, only time,time,time will tell.....
Good luck with it!
I read some good things about those beads and have talked to several individuals in the refining business that are very familiar with them.
In fact, when I mentioned resin beads ,... they perked up right away.

Keep us informed on your progress.

Im stuck for chems. And looking at an alternative non-chem method... I dont know whats up with mark? Mark?
As of yet, I have not had any of the material(sludge) refined or assayed.
It did however produce some black sludge .
Shakes seems to think what I have is only carbon.
Maybe he's right, but I don't think so.
The more knowledgable individuals here, tell me that black, is what I want.
Right now I'm trying to find a competent individual to do a proper inquarted fire assay of the material, before I make any positive or derogatory comments about it. I can tell that it seemed to work as described but that doesn't mean that it does or did. I am trying to make my observations as scientific as possible.
In the meantime, If anyone needs a little cls26p to try some experiments,
pm me and I'll send you some.
I also continue to look at other alternatives, as it pertains to cat leaching, as I'm sure you all do. I think my next experiments will not involve cls26p , untill I have some proof its works.

Did you roast your cat material before using the system? Im very thankful to you all for talking me out of the Platinumill! I have just built my first Ball Mill and thought I would share the pics & the instructions to it so that it may benefit others, I used one electric cement mixer, 1 30 gal. plastic drum w/ sealed lid; remove paddles out of drum of mixer, cut drum of mixer so barrell will slide into. put 3 2x2 wooden strips off center of mixer drum, so that barrell would fit snug and run true! Run the ball mill with 1/2 inch chrome steel balls ( approx.450) for max. capacity, this machine grinds cat material to a fine powder, also should grind at least 10-20lbs in 8 hours, the balls can be purchased from Ebay for a great price.

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