***** The Platinumill Exposed and on Trial *****

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Well, like I said, Im still waiting on the chems, the dow bulliten plainly states a 98% recovery rate with sodium bromide and the geobrom 55,,, and then recover with the dowex resin beads, I have not given up on this, but I have been looking into building an arc furnace that will just use a zirconium crucible,,, after seeing techemets system, Im sorry guys the arc method just makes too much sense to be messing with the chems.... take some lime and some feldspar? to make the slag ,zap it. add your converter material,zapp it, let it cool, break open crucible,ENJOY! Lou, I have seen you on the backyard smelter forum, but really I never found much info on a arc furnace,,,, doesnt seem difficult at all..... i have been tied up also with opening a storefront.... will keep everyone posted if any new developments arise,,, i did post a pic of a 200lb experimental arc furnace awhile back,, it looks really simple to slap together... Later ,, Frog

The system III might give you some headaches because you ground up the cats to a fine powder but dont quote me. When I spoke with Mike at action mining he had said that I should not grind any of it and just chunk it up into small pieces. I tried both methods and got the same crappy result but I used the Platinumill for that experiment. I dont know anyone on this forum that has invested in the system III but you. I hope it works for you. Good Luck.

Rob Hancer
Also Marq

Now that you have the black sludge here is what I want you to do with it.

get a deep crucible (bone) and take your sludge material and put it into a bounty napkin........yes thats right a bounty napkin. gather the sludge into the center of the napkin and twist the napkin around it. Cut off the access napkin and pour pickling flux and borax on it into the crucible. Take a torch and blast away at it until everything is completely been burned away. Keep adding borax to it. Remember to take a quartz stirring rod and mix while torching too. When all material is burned away you will see shiny molten metal if there is any and that is your pgms at the bottom. Pour into a dory bar and send that off for your assay. Do not send your sludge! By the way have you dried your sludge out and weighed it? How much sludge are we talking about? How many converters? Let me know what you do. Also if you are hesitant to do what I have told you to do, take it to a jeweler and have him do it for you while you watch. Take a small sample to him and have him do it. Let me know.

Rob Hancer
If you do this, it may not be a good idea to use acetylene. Propane or natural gas (with oxygen) would be better choices. It will take some high temps to get a button this way. Don't you think he should disolve any base metals chemically first?
I actually dont have much invested, the mixer was given to me and the drum was around 20 bucks, the balls came from ebay ! Not sure about using it with the system III though, will have to learn and see!
Geez, this is getting to be a hassle. I think I will buy a gun and recover gold from a few pawn shop counters or jewelry stores. :? Either A. I will be asking you guys how to make bars out of scrap or B. You will not hear from me again..... :cry:
As I've said, I've been very busy with my regular job so, I haven't been able to prove results from the sys.III yet.
Thanks for your suggestions and knowledge Rob but, I'm looking at a oven.
Frog sounds like he's on to a good recovery ratio.

Somebody has to be able to produce an accurate fire assay, of before, and after material.
If and when I produce any definititive results with the sys III , I will let you alll know.

Randy,... depends on how how your trying to skin the cat.

Not exactly.
I'm trying to figure out the formula for this stuff.
It seems to be a user indifferent product, meaning, that everyone could come up with a different result.

I do not think that , what ever this stuff is, collects the rhodium.

Anyone need a sample to work with , let me know.
This has got to be the longest thread on the forum. :p
So hows the hunt going for the perfect system guys.
Updates ?
I didn't find the sys. III to be the "golden egg" of recovery systems.
It works better if you use a different solution than is sold by action mining. :wink:
All in all, I would say, ... don't waste your money.

By the time you run enough material to pay for it, it's about shot.

The best thing is , ... I did learn alot from messing around with it. :idea:

This is a long and hairy thread, but I'd like to go back to something on the earlier posts.

In regard to removing the carbon from the Cats;
Why not lay out a bed of charcoal briquettes, put on some charcoal lighter, place the Cat Cons on top, light it and

just let the coals burn to ashes? The heat will surely be hot enough and long enough to oxidize the carbon.
Pretreatment is required if you are going to use hydrometallurgy to recover the PGM's.
The carbon and other contaminants will foul the process.

GeeDub said:
This is a long and hairy thread, but I'd like to go back to something on the earlier posts.

In regard to removing the carbon from the Cats;
Why not lay out a bed of charcoal briquettes, put on some charcoal lighter, place the Cat Cons on top, light it and

just let the coals burn to ashes? The heat will surely be hot enough and long enough to oxidize the carbon.

GeeDub this is a good approach.
Platdigger said:
Has it been determined that it is even necissary
to grind this stuff .....at all?

There isn't a need to grind this stuff up, the PGM's are put on using a washcoat. So I would have thought no need to grind up.
why not grind it up into powder and add borax and fire it to smithereens in a crucible and pour? STOP WASTING YOUR TIME WITH CHEMICALS YOU WILL NEVER RECOVER 100%
What's up shakes?
Long time no hear.
There is a formula available for cat con flux here on the forum somewhere.
Prefusion before acid attack is the way to go!
Glad to see you're back.

Thanks Ralph,
Whenever any of you guys find a way to get paid for rh content without a fusion process assay,.. please let me know.


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