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Right Lou, lead is not going to be all absorbed into graphite.

The thing with the parks proccess is, the zinc needs to be stirred into the lead to pick up any values. Then alowed to floa,t and cooled to just the right temp.

I am sure you know this Lou, just adding for clarification for any who don't.

Another thing about this proccess is you won't need nearly so high of temps.
Really not much over the melting point of the lead.
All I can say about the parks process is its great..........but.........When you add the zinc to the lead remember you are gonna be exposed to osmium and we all know one whif off of those fumes.........well you might as well dig a hole 6ft deep by your processing area and plant your tombstone there as well cause your gonna fall straight in it afterwards.
Lou: Parkes (with an e) Process - not Park's Process. :D
I wondered once why I couldn't find any info about it. Turns out I was spelling it like you :wink:

I have the cleanest Floor! What a day. I started and ran the system with h20. added my hcl, evrythings cool. Brought the temp up and added ny cls26p and then the (Holy Crap!) liquid fire,,, Guess I,m I'm not use to acids (im not) and was surprised by the action..... thankfully I have been subliminaly directed by a few on the forum, I had my gloves,mask, and a respirator,,,, well at about hour 5 these things came in handy, My connection from my solution container (igloo) to my pump started leaking bad, real bad ( I used teflon liquid?), It was like flowing out all over the floor bad, safety equipment on , I was able to pump my golden colored pgm' solution into several containers, what a mess,,,, I cleaned everything up and i threw my plates into a 5gallon bucket and cranked it back up , what the heck I'm running similar to a a system 3 now, oh well,,, guess I will run the material a little bit at a time,,,, thanks all who promote safety equipment, I almost didnt buy a respirator the other day, I would have been majorly screwed,,, the saga continues, will keep you posted,, Frog

sounds like you had a "Run Away" caused by an Exothermic reaction and I bet heating the liquid before adding that compound didn't help the situation

Now before I go any fartherI have not tried what you have done and I don't know if the way I am describing would be worse or more dangerous but for other instances when I have mixed chemical's in a solution (chemistry class 4 years ago) that have created excess heat the way I've done it is

A) Ice bath get a larger container with ice in it and water and some salt in the bottom then put your reaction vessel (mix container) in the ice bath

B) slowly add 1/8 of you solution into the first mixture then pause stir feel the side of the container and wait until the temperature is cooled down and keep on repeating until all your solution is in the reaction container

C) do it outside downwind slowly add solution same as before without the ice bath (didn't do that in chem class but did do it at home :) )

D) all of the above combined

depending on the size of your container if it is small have a bucket full of water and just dump the mix into it if the temperature starts to climb to fast.

last thing I could recommend would be to add all your chemicals together before you add the heat because heated mother solution + Exothermic reaction = what you experienced could have been worst though. I'm glad you are alright though :)
AHH, thx, I see,,, I did add more chems after my solution was already hot from the quartz heaters,,,,, the fitting that gave way was a nylon.... it would have failed regardless,,, the heat just helped it.... frog
Just wondering, if I ionize my pgm's and recover with resins ( resintech, dowex etc.) then carbon shouldnt be a problem? Without my carbon plates with current running through them, the ionized pgm's should not bond with anything? correct? They should just stay in solution? So heating the substrate would seem like a step that really could be bypassed. Heating the substrate may oxidize some of the rh, thus losing a bit on recovery? frog
I am new here...been lurking for a few days. I was wondering if anyone would take a look at eBay #320219528448 and tell me what you think.
I think that if he was/is selling PT, PD and RH at the prices shown someone would have committed him already for wasting their inherritance.
Some sucker is also buying his leached substrate! he has another auction where he sold 20 lb ( said substrate may be ground) I can tell right now that he is taking the pgm's off then selling the substrate,,,,, P.T Barnumm
All my leach solution is a funky yellow, I really didnt get any "slimes' in or on my carbon plate filterbags, I'm wondering how much pgm's are still ionized in my solution? I'm going to save this solution, filter it and add the resins when I get them,, hopefully something drops out of the solution..
dont waste your time with the solution either froggy the values are not there either. They are still in your coverter material. Find a furnace now and get ready for the parkes process and make your money that way. Except do not use any zinc. I have started with the process and it looks like its a winner. Will let you all know the details soon.

Mark, Your Right I should be able to raise my ph past 7 and the metals should "drop" ,,, what should I use thats easy,hydrazine, , or ? something easy to get my hands on? l also need to get my hands on some sodium borohydride .... anyone ??? Thx, frog
Such a simple answer, sorry,Im sick and laid up, too sick to google even, eyes hurt! Guess I have that bad flu thats going around everywhere... thx, will get to it later... Frog
Yea Frog,
Baking soda(sodium bicarbonate) works fine but, it takes alot of it and alot more time. I am using sodium hydroxide (caustic soda or lye as we called it on the farm) that you should be able to find locally. Just keep in mind that it is nowhere as benign as baking soda. In fact it can probably hurt you worse than the acids. Our pecan trees loved the stuff although the pigs weren't to crazy about it.

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