Turbine engine parts

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Your not going to have much luck with anything except maby the Ammount of PM's in your solder. The rest you'll prolly need to start studying. Use Lazersteves search. Read Hoke!

Welcome to the forum, I think you will find this forum amazing, and very helpful to any refiner, although sometimes there seems to be a lot to weed through here, I will treat you as I would any other new member and as you to get a copy of Hokes book (see download in book section, or a paper back copy can be bought, I bought mine from action mining), begin reading Hoke’s it, it was written by a lady chemist to teach refining of metals in the jewelry industry but the principles she teaches apply to any type of recovery or refining processes.

We do not or could not supply you with your want list of chemicals and process, but there are many very experienced people who can help with detailed problems, and from the information provided on the forum and the help of these individuals, Heck some of them here could teach a monkey to refine.

Welcome to the best place to learn, but sorry being spoon-fed is not normally done here.

After looking through the information provided here on the forum if you have questions I am sure many of our friendly members will be glad to help.
Interesting. Could you post a pic of one of theses?
You're talking about the eutectic nickel gold alloy I assume? Are you trying to recycle the vanes or just going for the gold?

You actually started a company to process these without knowing how to do it?
Eutectic alloys require special techniques which are beyond the typical scope of this forum. Based on your description of the acid ratios you're using and the filter medium (Tee shirts) it sounds like you need to set up for niche refining for a specific scrap type. If you've been doing this for years you also know there is gold in the stators and the rotors.

You don't seem anxious to be giving out much information about what you do know and there is a lot here on the forum such as testing solutions and cementing waste that you may benefit from to increase your yields and improve your technique. But the overall procedures and changing your refining methods has not been discussed here.

There are members here who can help you but I'm sure it will be on a consulting basis.

By the way, before you curse me for not spelling it all out, it would not be me.
Ascrap said:
BTW to the individuals that have given good advice exp "Ascrap you should read Hokes book" thank you.

Not trying to be rude just trying to bypass all the BS and so on.
Let me see if I understand your comment. You hope to have readers provide you with guidelines, so you can more efficiently extract the values from your scrap, but you are not the least bit interested in reading Hoke's book, so you might understand what they have to say?

Here's my advice.

Read Hoke's book. Read it until you understand what she teaches. By doing so, you will be on level ground with those from whom you hope to gain knowledge. If you refuse, and feel you are above the learning curve, I will be more than shocked to find anyone willing to help you. We struggle with that kind of attitude on a regular basis on this forum. We don't cater to such demands. There is nothing that will serve you better than gaining a basic understanding of the chemistry and mechanics of refining. Asking for solutions to a given problem does not provide that information.

Why is it that people schedule a recital before they've learned to play the piano?

I'll assume your in the US which means I can't help due to the distance also I believe the process you need is GSPs but which I promised not to discuss, a promise I'm afraid I'm going to keep.
Try sending a PM and see if he's interested but be aware this won't come free or cheap if he agrees to help.
Failing that I'm afraid it's going to be trial and error until you sort out a process that works and economically so, this isn't the easiest material to process as I'm sure your finding.
nickvc said:
I'll assume your in the US which means I can't help due to the distance also I believe the process you need is GSPs but which I promised not to discuss, a promise I'm afraid I'm going to keep.
Try sending a PM and see if he's interested but be aware this won't come free or cheap if he agrees to help.
Failing that I'm afraid it's going to be trial and error until you sort out a process that works and economically so, this isn't the easiest material to process as I'm sure your finding.

Nick is right. I've been processing gold or silver brazed turbine parts on a large scale since the early 70s. However, out of respect to my past clients, I can't discuss the processes on an open forum.

I know of at least 6 ways of dealing with Nioro braze. The best, I feel, is an electrolytic method I developed but have never set anyone up to do it. As far as I know, I'm the only one that knows this process.
I understand and am in the process of reading hokes book but it would be nice to have a little help in the mean while. Is that not what this forum is for anyway? :?
I mean if this forum is not for knowlage & help in the refining process or to help fellow refiners & is just for bragging about how much gold you have to the next guy. Then I guess I am in the wrong place.
Ascrap said:
I mean if this forum is not for knowlage & help in the refining process or to help fellow refiners & is just for bragging about how much gold you have to the next guy. Then I guess I am in the wrong place.

this is the right place to learn refining. whats being said is, do not have an inflated sense of self worth.your asking for information on a process that is beyond our scope of expertise.there is only a couple of people here that can do what you want and i can assure you that you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. GSP is one of our more senior members and has been in the business of refining (perhaps) longer than you have been alive.if he tells you that what you want is something you will have to pay for or invest the time to start at the bottom and work your way up to learn your self.. you have two options here,ask what you may be able to offer to have someone come and do it for you, or learn the basics and do trial and error to figure it out on your own.
Ascrap said:
Once again if anyone wants to share & gain knowlage regarding refining NIORO braze from turbine engines just send me a pm.

If you would like to just share some toughts & provide some advice so I dont kill myself experementing please pm me.

Maybe you could share some pictures and more info, so people will see what you are working with. Then maybe someone would be able to give you advice. It seems like you are here to learn any secrets you can, and then disappear after you get what you want. If you want someone to share with you, then being open to sharing what you have and know already will help others open up with their secrets.

Ascrap said:
I mean if this forum is not for knowlage & help in the refining process or to help fellow refiners & is just for bragging about how much gold you have to the next guy. Then I guess I am in the wrong place.

Seems like you may be here bragging about the material you have? If you are aware that this forum is for sharing knowledge, maybe you could help out also. Sorry I haven't processed any material like you are talking about. But I do have a roll of Nioro, so it does interest me.

Ascrap wrote:
Ask me a question I can answer and I will tell you the best answer to it I know, ask me a question that I do not know the answer to I will tell you I do not know. Here I have no clue what materials you have, and the problems you have.

Tell me what this metal consists of and the metals soldered or plated, tell me how you are recovering the values and refining it,

yes basically teach me what you know, and even if I cannot help you maybe I can learn a little about refining jet engines (under my oak tree), also just maybe I can show you something you do not know, or maybe I cannot, but at least we can discuss it, and who knows we may both learn something from sharing what we do or do not know.

I think you reading Hoke's book is a great start, she will not teach you to refine jet engines, but the principles can help you in doing it.

Reading also shows me you are willing to join in with this group and learn, well lets just take another step and share with each other what we do and do not know.

Now GSP may or may not share this work he has spent his life on, and I would not expect him to share a trade secret or where he buried his gold, But I know he has shared almost everything he has and would give the shirt off his back to help someone, (as long, as they did not demand it from him then they would probably freeze in bell), and I am sure if you explained your process even if he did not give away secrets, you would most likely learn from him and may even improve your process to an acceptable level, or who knows.

Your attitude seems to be tempering, lets try and help each other learn and cut out all this bull, who know you help us little hobby refiners learn and we help you learn.

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