Turbine engine parts

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Butcher said:
Brazing on metals is not like welding (melting two (or three) pieces of metal together, sometime's with a filler metal rod or wire), brazing only sticks to the surface like solder, It seems to me maybe you can remove much of this mechanically from the surface of the metals, grinding sanding?


You are correct about the braze adhering to the surface of the alloy. With the proper pretreatment the braze can literally be peeled off of the joints of the alloy.

Here's some braze I recently harvested for a customer:


Butcher says things very well. I usually don't say much anymore but the one thing that draws me out is usually someone’s attitude. I think this is what i was most drawn to. As far as the problem you have i have discussed this field of study with a couple of the forum members in the past so it's not something new to me. Yes i wanted pictures. Yes i wanted to see what you had. Now not only have i learned something new, but so have others. There are 2, maybe 3 people on here who can help you with what you want. You have heard from all of them. One will be your saving grace. Welcome to the forum.
Palladium no harm intended I am just trying to make things simple. As far as ECS goes they learned from a guy we know then they cut him.
I have also heard of a lot going on with them lately including them short changing people out of millions.
Who you dealing with RICK?
I couldn't tell you even if i wanted to. Part of my business ethics. I welcome you to the forum and understand your plight but please don't speak in public when it comes to forum member’s names or associations they may pursue off forum. Some people only participate here because of the anonymity the forum provides. Seems you’re on the right track though. Good luck.
Ascrap welcome, to the forum, it is just my hope we can all get along here and learn something, thanks for the pictures, reminds me of a steam turbine, I also hope you learn what you need here on the forum I think after your here for a while you will find several useful things to help you in your bussiness, and you will come to realize what a great group of people we have here, I believe this is the best place to learn about these subjects, and the best people to learn them from, I hope you will soon feel the same.
Way too much attitude here. I won't tolerate it much longer. There's a one way trip in your future if you persist.

Get a grip, and start addressing the readers with respect. No more smart remarks. The next one will be your last one.

Harold_V said:
Way too much attitude here. I won't tolerate it much longer. There's a one way trip in your future if you persist.

Get a grip, and start addressing the readers with respect. No more smart remarks. The next one will be your last one.


Hmmmm - I didn't see that coming :twisted: :lol:
Dear Ascrap – I can’t help you with your particular refining situation – but what I can help you with is your “need” of change in attitude so you can get the help you “need” for your particular refining situation!!!!!

(1) Lets start with the “fact” that you came hear asking for help – because you are having a problem.

(2) you decided to attempt doing this your self because you felt the company you were dealing with was screwing you

(3) you at least have a general understanding of the process but not a full understanding or you wouldn’t be asking for help

(4) you have a guy working with you (&/or for you) that used to work for the company you felt was screwing you & apparently he doesn’t know as much as he lead you to believe or again you would not be asking for help here

(5) you are the new guy here (meaning you are at the bottom of the totem pole – NOT THE BOSS)

(6) butcher, Palladium, lazersteve, 4metals, Lou, GSP (goldsilverpro) & Harold_V are all guys that have been here from the beginning & are “in fact” the very reason this forum exists. They are ALL professional refiners – some of them retired from 40 plus years of running their own refineries (meaning they are at the top of the totem pole – THEY ARE THE BOSS)

(7) you may be the owner operator of your venture & so you may be used to giving orders & saying how things are going to be done in your venture --- but you are not the owner operator of this forum - & yet you persist with this attitude that you can come here on this forum & tell those that are in charge here how they must work with you – as if they are employed by you & may get fired if they don’t tow your line

(8) you are on a fast track to finding out it is the other way around

(9) then you will be back to square one (still needing the help you came here looking for) & trust me – you are NOT going to find that help ANY PLACE ELSE

(10) just off the top of my head I would say if you are not get back the expected gold when you go to precipitate from your AR – its probably because you have an excess of nitric in your AR & you haven’t done what needs to be done to expel it (or prevent it in the first place) --- but then again – you would know that (& how to deal with it) if you had read Hokes book --- LIKE YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD TO DO

(11) You need to take a step back - & understand that you are not the teacher/boss here --- you are the student/employee

Kurt, I like your post, and feel you stated things well, I would like to say, I am not a boss, although I have learned here since being on the forum, I am not a teacher, I am a share-er, I just share what I have learned from others here, and also what I have learned from studying and from making mistakes.

I am not a professional refiner, I am just a new member who came here to learn, worked hard, tried to behave while I came here to the forum, and follow its rules the best I could, many of the members here who joined the forum long after I did asked for help, I would share what I learned with them, many of these guys soon passed me up in their output of fine gold or other metals, most of them have labs and places to work that make my little table under the shade tree look pitiful, But I like my shade tree lab and my little hobby, and I like to learn and share with others, and I like what the forum stands for, the forum has high principles and morals, it is a friendly group who share and try to help others, I feel I have many friends here, I do not know these people personally, or even know what they look like or sound like, but I feel I can trust them, and know if I was in a bind they would lend me a hand.

I was asked to help with the forum, I would like to do that, it has given me so much, the forum has the ability to help so many people all over the world, and to help many of us who may have tried stupid things to learn to do what we are trying to do safely and successfully, I am just an old country boy back yard hobby refiner trying to learn and share and help others, and help the best I can to keep this wonderful forum, what the founder intended, a great place to learn, and help others.

Ascrap it is my hope you will learn here and help us in making the forum a great place.
I think the fellow is ready to learn. If i was in his situation i would probably be impatient to. Nothing like having money tied up and sitting there to make a man get antsy. Now where was we at on this thread before we got side tracked?
Palladium exactly my point. Now like I stated before I am not involved in this its my freinds/inlaws that are doing it but if I come up with a more efficient way then I get a piece of the pie. I personaly havent bought a engine in 6+ years just because of the cut throat nature of the business at which time I was just buying the engines and reseeling them to a refiner but then splitting the profits with a business partner for financial reasons.

Steve that pic is so cool.
would it be possible or cost effective as far as time to do a mechanical separation of the braze as in the picture from lazersteve. if the braze can be removed in this manner then the process is over half completed. a hydraulic press to push the slat out of the ring maybe. remember, scrap does not need to look pretty as long as it comes apart.
The braze will not separate like this until the part has been chemically treated first.

Prior to treatment the part is as solid as if were made from a single piece as the conditions inside the turbine place large forces and heat on the part during normal operation. There is a lot of engineering and testing that goes into the design of these things so that they don't fail when operating.

Ascrap, I was trying to find the post where you stated I believe that the material was stainless, I could bit remember the number but something like 416SS(?), I could not find it, I wanted to see if I could find the composition of the alloy and try to tell composition of maybe nickel or chromium, I was thinking maybe attacking them and if it may be possible to undermine the solder, and for some reason an electrolytic cell seems a good choice, one that will not attack the solder, or the stainless to much extent but maybe just possibly a component in the stainless like nickel, or chromium, or even a component in the solder itself and possibly the bubbling action at the anode assist in loosening its bond.

I also notice you went back and deleted many of you posts, I know this has been a rough start on the forum, but there are rules against that, it make a thread or discussion hard to understand and can also take meaning from what is or has been said, I sure wished you would not have done that, as I felt we were just beginning to work thing out so we could all learn something here, and felt this thread already had too much fuss and not enough meat to it, and we were just starting to learn something here and could feel maybe the drama was past us.

Do not go back and delete post to change the meaning or overall discussion of a topic, editing to correct information is one thing. And understand the rules on this forum are simple, and are for the benefit of all of us as a group.
Already banned him for pulling that stunt as soon as I saw what useful information he offered was removed.

I have little patience for people who would a.) slander others' names, b.) come here demanding info of members, and c.) not read the rule on deleting content.

Given the fact that the guys who love to delete content are usually the ones who love to cause trouble, I feel justified.
Just because the OP is gone doesn't mean the subject has to go away. It sounds like several people have been involved with the likes. That is if there willing to share more.

i dont know when any one of us may have the opportunity to invest in jet engines, but if one drops from the sky on to my property,can i keep it. :shock: :shock: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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