Turbine engine parts

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My brother from a nother mother re-wires them and his dads a pilot so that's why Im highly interested.
Nc also has a boneyard about 50miles from here.
Geo said:
i dont know when any one of us may have the opportunity to invest in jet engines, but if one drops from the sky on to my property,can i keep it. :shock: :shock: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

It's in there somewhere...


  • rbz-plane-crash-30.jpg
    328.4 KB · Views: 137
Hello - If it were me doing this job :lol: , i would look into electro-cutting around the objects wanted, ive always wanted to try electro-cutting.

You talkin about plasma cutting? My aunt has one shed let me borrow. Or sell it to me cheep.

I've played with it before . It cuts like butter. I was cutting free hand spirals
Lou said:
Given the fact that the guys who love to delete content are usually the ones who love to cause trouble, I feel justified.
No need for justification. He was not a good fit for the board and would have been banned anyway. Trust me on that one!

Well done, Lou!

AztekShine said:
You talkin about plasma cutting?

Evening - Nope, i did not mean plasma cutting. Its cutting using electrolysis, your cathode is stainless, for example, and would look like a syringe needle, your electrolyte is pumped through the cathode needle, the cathode is brought close to what you want cutting, your anode, and apply the current. Due to the small size of the cathode, only the point close the the cathode will disolve into solution, anything that adheres to the surface and is not put into solution will be blasted away by the electrolyte jet. If a non-conduction sheath is put over the cathode so that only the very tip is showing and conducting, you can drill holes.

Sounds fun eh :lol:


P.S. Good bye to attitude :mrgreen:
Sounds very interesting, is it a slow process, or is there something that would speed up the process, are high pressures involved.

You know how it is curiosity is killing the cat.
Thanks, NoIdea,
I like the Ideas

I guess you also seen this one sparks and electrolyte, also sometime used on jet engines parts.

Too bad these do not sound like something we could make in our backyard, they would be fun to play with though.

And sound like they could be the tool for the job.


It sounds funny but we probably need to always quote new members posts - in that way they will stay quoted even if they alter original post. That may clutter thread a bit and cost us some space but I am willing to pay for that considering forum will be more informative if original content can be seen. I am already doing that to some extent as it happened quite a lot of times that threads become nearly worthless due to deletion of some posts.

*edited spelling

That is a good idea, too many members like to change teir mind and cut and run. This guy was in it for a payoff and said as much. When he realized he either had to pay or study he wasn't interested any more. The forum is better off without him.

In the 70s, I knew of a large company that was doing vane (blade) replacement on stators. The blades get dinged up and, for safety and fuel usage reasons, they must be replaced when they get out of spec. They had 3 EDM machines which cost about $250,000 each at the time, and 6 people ran them on 2 shifts. They were cutting out the gold braze holding these things together. They could only do a total of about 50 stators per week with the 3 EDM machines. Of course, since undamaged outer and inner rings were worth $1000s, they went slowly and accurately to prevent damage to them. The gold removed ended up in the large sludgy oil reservoirs in each EDM unit and made recovery difficult. They eventually saw the folly of all this and went to a chemical braze removal system.

4metals said:
... That is a good idea, too many members like to change their mind and cut and run. This guy was in it for a payoff and said as much. When he realized he either had to pay or study he wasn't interested any more. ...

Maybe he learned what he was looking for via PM and figured he would move on? I find it odd that his last post was showing promise and them he flipped and deleted his previous posts.

I can't help but think he gained what he was looking for via a private message and moved on. It's a shame he pulled all the information he had already posted as his way of upholding his side of the bargain. He got what he was after then pulled his contribution, not very professional to say the least.

Maybe the opposite is true, perhaps someone upset him via PM and he split for that reason?

The guy was puzzling. In the beginning, he said he wanted to contribute by sharing knowledge, and then a little later he said that he didn't want anyone to steal his "information." That sounds a little scattered, to me. I mean, what was he intending to "share," if he didn't want anyone to know what he was doing?

Did he think that all of a sudden, everyone on the forum is going to go out and start buying jet engines?

I think when people start posting questions, without looking over the forum for at least a little while, they can be working on their own predetermined concept of what the forum is all about, and they totally miss the general attitude of it.

Was he really paranoid about people stealing information from him? I thought his story sounded a bit fishy from the beginning, but I wouldn't want to say that maybe he was the one working for the stator recovery company, and what he was really doing here was preparing to rip off his boss. It seemed to me that his story sounded a bit like he was making it up as he went along. I couldn't say for sure, though. But the whole thing did seem off-beat, to me.

I do know that con artists will use subtle intimidation, to try and prevent people from asking question that they don't want to have to answer. They will infer that you would be insulting them if you try to go into an area of questioning that they don't want you to. Sometimes they will put out some overt anger at it, then make it seem like you owe them the behavior they are seeking. Sort of dare you to comply with their line of reasoning. Yeah, it's all very clever---that's why they are called con "artists"!

But then who knows....

Whatever the reason for the stink---it appears that everyone smelled it. 8)
lazersteve said:
4metals said:
... That is a good idea, too many members like to change their mind and cut and run. This guy was in it for a payoff and said as much. When he realized he either had to pay or study he wasn't interested any more. ...

Maybe he learned what he was looking for via PM and figured he would move on? I find it odd that his last post was showing promise and them he flipped and deleted his previous posts.

I can't help but think he gained what he was looking for via a private message and moved on. It's a shame he pulled all the information he had already posted as his way of upholding his side of the bargain. He got what he was after then pulled his contribution, not very professional to say the least.

Maybe the opposite is true, perhaps someone upset him via PM and he split for that reason?



I PMed him twice but he certainly didn't get anything from me, if that's what you're thinking.

I basically told him to cool his heels or he was going to get booted. I also told him that he was a fool to discuss any details about this subject on a public forum. My take on the guy was that he knew absolutely nothing about how to process these and still doesn't. It sounded like he had some background on dismantling engines and sorting and selling the various superalloys. He was sending the gold bearing stators out to a refiner but decided to try and find out how to process them himself. He had an idea of how the refiner was doing it and he related the process, which was full of holes, to me. Pretty Mickey Mouse. I never replied to him. The guy left with no more knowledge than he had at the beginning.

I did exactly as you did with him in my PM. I came to the same conclusion as you did about him. He was fishing for information with little or no 'bait' on the hook. I agree he left knowing more than he did when he arrived. I suspect he may reincarnate himself and try again.

My statement in the previous post was not directed at anyone, in fact I was including my own PM to him in the possible reasons for his actions.

I never had any doubts about your stance on the subject Chris.

But he stated several times that he do not own that company or work for them. He said few times that he is only looking for informations for his friends.
My understanding is that he wanted to learn something to be useful for somebody, and wanted to use that to get inside and have his cut of cake from somebody else's table. :|
Nothing wrong with that. His altering of posted informations was wrong.
I am still clueless as to why this topic should not be discussed on an open forum. Before this thread, i never knew gold was used in this type application, and would have thought platinum would have been a better metal for the job because of its high melting point. Can someone explain this a little?
Even after i made it clear i wouldn't help him i guess he thought i still might because i tried to be nice to him. Here's the pm i got from him yesterday.


Posts: 11

Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:32 am
Sent: Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:58 pm
From: Ascrap
To: Palladium
Sub: Turbine

I have had suspitions regarding the Nitric but once again ny stuff so I cant any mistakes on other peoples gold.
They are currently doing a mixture of 3 parts of 50/50 nitric & water & 1 part muriatic. They are then adding water to dilute & a creamy/jelly white substance, then sodium sulfate. Why do you not wont me to mention names? Would you do it this way.

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