using AP method for gold filled

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Will do! Gonna pick up a roll tomorrow after my doctors appointment. Gonna look up stannous recipes when I get home. If I can make stannous with just tin and Hcl, it beats out the other recipe I studied.
I have a one pound roll of tin solder that I have been using for around 4 years. At the current rate of use I will never need another roll. And yes, the formula is that simple. I do warm mine a bit to get it started, but I don't think it is necessary, just the way I have always done it.
Thanks everyone! and thanks Geo! I need to get a small amount of a gold rich solution, auric acid or gold chloride? I don't have any pure gold to make my own, so I'm going to search on here to see what's available to me. Gonna need a baseline solution to test my own mixtures.
Doesn't need to be gold "rich" it just has to be clearly pregnant. I took a small vial from a batch of AR from a small processor refine. i.e. Clean yellow AR. That small vial hardly EVER gets used and it's not going to evaporate so I haven't lost anything.

You only ever need to double check your stannous solution if something doesn't seem "quite right" with results your getting, and the more you refine, the less you'll be in that situation.

Well that makes me feel a bit better. As soon as I can get some nitric I'll try my hand at making some. Also, I have a tin of crosman pellets made of lead. Since lead has tin in it, can I use the pellets made of lead to make stannous chloride? Ok, now I'm reading that there's no tin in my pellets. Stupid Internet :roll:

Just gonna go the safe route and pick up the tin solder this afternoon from home depot and make some stannous with that.
DylanDownright84 said:
Just gonna go the safe route and pick up the tin solder this afternoon from home depot and make some stannous with that.
I got some lead-free sinkers from Walmart (fishing section of course), and they worked beautifully. I let the reaction go to completion (be sure to let it vent--don't just seal your bottle as soon as you add the two ingredients), then dropped another sinker in to keep excess tin in there.
Just checked on the gold filled scrap in the coffees pot after leaving it on low heat for a few hours. And everything is floating and there's no more stubborn pieces left. Been 11 days since I started this batch. 5th day of using bubbler and heat everyday for 10 hours +/-

It looks as if everything is gone except for the gold flakes. Gray sediment and the this copper colored "bones" that the gold was on are gone.


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Just picked up a roll of oatey brand "safe-flo" lead free solder. Couldn't find the exact percentage of tin anywhere, but it's in the ingredients so I'm gonna roll with it since I need to get home asap.
DylanDownright84 said:
Just picked up a roll of oatey brand "safe-flo" lead free solder. Couldn't find the exact percentage of tin anywhere, but it's in the ingredients so I'm gonna roll with it since I need to get home asap.

Should do fine.

(some may bark at this suggestion...but..)

Id just take a couple of your small shiny flakes of goldfill and dissolve them with hcl bleach, and use that as a standard test solution. Just be sure to not go overboard on the bleach, (it will make the solution lean towards alkaline, the more you use) and to evaporate the chlorine off. Then drop by drop you can use that forever, to test a drop of your stannous to make sure it is good.

If it were me.
Id probably take 20mL of HCl, heat it up, add the few foils then stir. While its still swirling add a ml or 2 of bleach, drop by drop. Keep stirring. Let that work for awhile, agitating it along the way. If the foils are there after 10 minutes or so, add another mL drop by drop (still stirring).

You dont want your standard solution to have any excess oxidizer. Keeping it hot and stirring will help use it to dissolve the gold, and when its all gone, just leave it on the heat for half an hour or so to expell the chlorine that wasn't used during dissolution. Just dont let it dry out.
I think that might be my only option until I can get some nitric. I'm just gonna have to break down and buy some online and pay that ridiculous shipping and hazmat fee when I have the money.

In other news, I'm confident that my gold filled mixture is ready for further processing. I pulled out a small scoop with a plastic spoon and there's nothing left except for the gold and what looks like oxidized copper bits.

Also, I got the solder soaking in Hcl, been going on 45 minutes now and there's not much going on in the small jar it's in. Some very light bubbling, but that's it. Gonna watch some Geo's video again.
Hers the mix as of now. There's not nearly as much material as there was earlier. Could I have dissolved some gold? The stuff I'm pulling out with the spoon looks less amd less copper-ish amd more gold colored. Maybe it's just dissolving more of the base metals? I did add a 1/4 cup of Hcl this morning.


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Need some pointers here. My tin solder has been soaking in Hcl for about 18 hours now and there's still nothing going on. Put heat on it and still nothing. The pieces I cut up are still shiny silver looking.
DylanDownright84 said:
I think that might be my only option until I can get some nitric. I'm just gonna have to break down and buy some online and pay that ridiculous shipping and hazmat fee when I have the money.
When you get to that point, be sure to post here (GRF, not this thread of course), include your location, and see if anyone would like to go in with you & help defray the shipping. Heck, maybe they've even got an account with a lab supply place already and a nonresidential address to ship it to ;)

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