7.75 lbs fingers, processed with AR

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Hello everyone.I will document the procedure from start to finish,of these fingers http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=58&t=10266
I will be using AR with nitric added in stages.
Most of the fingers are very old,and come from a lot of material I aquired from the space industry.
None of the fingers were cut very close,as you can see from the pics below,so I estimate the yield to be somewhere between 4-5 grams per pound.
This is my first time back processing since I neutralized all of my chemicals a couple of weeks ago,and I am dying to get back on the horse.After this I have a few hundred pounds of barrel connectors that I am going to try and document them being processed as well.
So here is a pic of the fingers,I will add pics as I go.
To make this more interesting,lets have a contest!
Let's see who can guess the closest to the actual yield.My scale measures in 10's of grams,so you can estimate it down to the tenth's if needed.Closest guess wins a pentium pro with free shipping.
NO editting your guess,and I should be done by tonight,so I will hold off on posting pics of the powder and button,until tomorrow (6-5-11) afternoon at 8pm eastern time,at which time guesses will NO LONGER be accepted.After that time,I will finish posting the pictures,and the winner.
My guess(which does not count) will be 34.9 grams(7.75lbs x 4.5grams/lb.)
Contest starts now!


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Palladium said:
Sorry for this but,

Ummm are you sure you don't want to recalculate?Have you seen the material I process?
I will give you one more chance if you want to resubmit a guess.
Crosswire3 said:
I can't wait to see how they do
I will try to post the pics,and info as soon as I can after it's over,but it may not be until monday morning,if I get in really late tomorrow.
I am doing 6 pounds of these in A/P. Let me tell you the gold is thick. Almost 3 weeks in the acid peroxide and I estimate only 50% of the fingers are free of foils.

On that basis I will be optimistic and say 35.8 grams.
glondor said:
Almost 3 weeks in the acid peroxide and I estimate only 50% of the fingers are free of foils.
Mine have been in AR for about 2 hours,and they are completely done.Now I just have to filter,drop.......redissolve,filter,drop....wash and melt.
It sounds like you may not have enough peroxide in your A/P mike.Either that or your solution is completely saturated with base metals.Call me if you need my help.
Do you guys use an air pump in your ap or are you just talking about using hcl and a higher percentage of h2o2?
Yup I use air from a fish tank bubbler. I add hcl and peroxide as necessary to keep the emerald green colour. memory fingers in the mix were barren for gold and copper weeks ago, but the fingers from the gambling machines are being a real bugger. very thick and wide foils. I should have done A/R.
glondor said:
but the fingers from the gambling machines are being a real bugger. very thick and wide foils.
OHH Slot machines?!?! I have not done anything with them yet.
Please let me know.