Assays, Refining & More. "The Rock Man's Lab".

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Just posting a few photos so that others can see my work.

My Pictures 362.jpg

My Pictures 364.jpg

My Pictures 349.jpg

My Pictures 347.jpg


Questions and comments are welcome and appreciated.

Sincerely, Rick. "The Rock Man".
Just posting a few more photos to show off some of my work.

My Pictures 465.jpg

My Pictures 466.jpg

My Pictures 458.jpg

Sediment recovered from the Sulfuric Cell.

My Pictures 448.jpg

Gold precipitated from Auric Chloride,
which was produced by dissolving the Sulfuric Cell sediment and some foils in Acid-Clorox, and precipitating with SMB.

My Pictures 456.jpg
Hello everyone,

Just posting an update on my services and fees.

Fire Assays:
Oxide and Sulfide Ores, Bullion, Precipitates, Recovery Resins, Pregnant Solutions & Scrap of all types ___$75.00

Aqua-Regia Pre-Treatment _$25.00

(This method will recover more Gold in the Assay,
but AR may be the only way such values can be obtained in a production setting).

The sample is leached with Aqua Regia until all action has ceased,
then 2 grams of Zinc is added to the solution, let react, then stirred to bring every bit of the material in contact with Zinc bearing solution so that all metals are cemented out as recoverable micron values.

The Solution is then evaporated away to leave a dry material with cemented values that is then Fluxed and Fired as an Oxide Ore.

Ore/Leach Amenability Tests for T6 and CLS. _ $125.00 per sample, per leach formula.
A preliminary fire assay of each sample to be leached is required to establish recoverable values. _ $75.00

29.16 grams of ore is leached with 50 ml of T6 or CLS for 18 hours at 40 to 60 degrees F, the leach solution filtered, and then 2 grams of zinc is added to the filtered solution to cement values. The cemented metals are recovered and assayed to determine values recovered against an assay of the Ore to be leached, as well as efficiency of the leach if compared to the other formulas.

Send me a message if I can be of service.

Sincerely, Rick. "The Rock Man".
Hi Rick!

Have you done anything with the samples I sent along with Joe's choices from our excursion? I last I heard was as soon as the package arrived you were excited about the contents, but I haven't heard anything about any results from anyone. Joe packed up his gear, and about 100 pounds of material, but there's been no word on anything regarding assay results.

I still have a need for a processor :)

1/2 ton to 1 ton per day, as another player has been added to the venture - which will make moving materials from site to mill a lot easier.

Anyway, regarding the enthusiasm I heard you showed towards the sample qualities, I thought you'd delve right in on testing... have you had any results? Please PM me!!
Hello DarkspARCS,

The material from the washout looks great,
but the land is already claimed.

I'm not into Mineral Piracy, and taking ore from that area,
let alone the tailing piles on Patented land is a Felony crime, Federal at that.
$10,000 fine and 5 to 10 years in the Federal Pen, I'll pass.

The best we could do is to approach this from a legal standpoint, contact owners, and see if we could work any of the areas by leasing the claim, or by percentage, but just going in, swooping what's there, and hauling it off to process is something I don't want to be involved in. The legal problems that would breed for us isn't worth it.

Sincerely, Rick. "The Rock Man".

FAIL. The claim isn't patented, and what's more there hasn't been any activity on it since it was renewed by RGW. According to the BLM Head Geologist for the local field office here, they would honor our claim, even though it is apparent that the location Joe and I reviewed is staked under a general lode claim.

Documents that Nathan from the Reno BLM office sent me, which were part of a master file on current and historic filings for the exact location I staked out with Joe, (WHICH JOE NEVER READ, IT WAS DIRECTLY SENT TO AND REVIEWED BY MYSELF ALONE) revealed that the actual patented sections were forfeited - even though those patents are outside of the claim itself, but ~WERE~ such at the bulldozed section I had the privilege, **Key phrase here, get a clue** and the invitation to review (given directly to me by the original patented family).

NO FELONIES HERE... just a couple of chicken sh*t con artists about to make a move - right Rick?

What I find most amazing here Pickle is all I have asked of you is if you processed and reviewed any results from the material - that's all - and what I get back from you is you publicly accusing me of felonious actions, and how honest and great you are, etc. - and how you'd never do that kind of stuff... ok, since instead of trying to be friendly with me but instead go public with this incredible lie of yours, I've got something to state here, which MORE IMPORTANTLY, will reveal TO THE ENTIRE FORUM HERE HOW YOU AND YOUR PARTNER JOE DO BUSINESS...

First off, I'll begin with a statement you made to me as we began our investigation of this location together: "I know what it's like to have a claim stolen from you behind your back. My father took samples to an assayer to have them assayed and made the mistake of letting them know where the location was, which, after the assayer finished his assay of my father's samples he went and staked a claim on my father's location behind my father's back. I learned my lesson with that."

The only question I have regards the lesson you learned is, is this what you learned from it? to wit:

Allow me to just say this, and Let the record reflect that this statement is true.

I just recieved a phone call from your friend and business partner Joe Cavazos. As a matter of fact, I've been interrupted with the writing of this post four times by him now, after he initially tried to explain to me that you and him, after telling me that we were no longer going to do business together because I discovered Joe was talking to a mining attorney behind my back - because he let it slip that he was doing so - I then understood why Joe violated his promise to me to provide copies of all the documentation we discovered both at the BLM as well as the recorder's office, because he intended to do the very thing TO ME, that you talked about that happened to your father in the statement I quoted you as saying. and you knew that that is what he was going to do.

You and your cohort Joe Cavazos are both liars, and for that matter are absolutely criminal in what you are doing, maybe not by law, but definitely by ethic

Finder's Fee? WTF!... You are going to offer me, the very person who invited you to come process this mine's tailings WITH ME a finder's fee for going behind my back and beginning proceedings that are undermining my need to work this mine's tailings?

I think I'll let Noxx and Harold in on this little scam of yours now, seeing that you have utilized these forums to fish for someone like myself so that you could then steal their dreams... or at least attempt to. lol... BE ADVISED...

The local Metropolitan Police bureau knows the people that I talked with yesterday, who not only are claim holders indigenous to the area but also have known who I am for about two years now - so if someone shoots a trespasser it's usually understood that it was a good faith act and the case is closed. Joe should have understood that fact when he was staring down the barrel of the Desert Eagle the Metropolitan Police Officer had in his face, when the officer holstered it and unhandcuffed him when it was discovered exactly who it was he was with.

Joe wants me to play nice and offer a finder's fee for the work he flat out just told me you intended to do ON THE VERY LOCATION I HAVE PLANS FOR - so that I'll just shut up and let you do it. I told Joe this and I'll tell you the same.

Draft up an AGREEMENT outlining such, giving percentages as well as making it clear that you will fully disclose both tonnages, rates, and costs that you used to justify the amount you ultimately provide good faith on with me, and my rant will go quiet. The locals will actually let you step foot on the property too... however, at this point Joe, and now you, are Line of Site confirmations on the entire 21st through 29th quadrangles, as it has just turned into "Pickle and Fickle" hunting season there.

Documents... or not.

Your business ethic is rotten, and your pretense to a God Fearing disposition is an absolute abomination. For anyone who reads this post, I whole heartedly recommend that you steer clear from doing business with Richard Pickle. He's a scam artist and a downright liar.
You guys need to clean this up in an amicable manner asap. Its not looking good. This is a public forum, please govern yourselves accordingly.
It seems that overabundance of money, or the potential therefor, merely magnifies what is already inside a person. Sometimes its good, sometimes it's not.
Aristo said:
You guys need to clean this up in an amicable manner asap. Its not looking good. This is a public forum, please govern yourselves accordingly.

In the real World, sometimes things get ugly. Ugly never looks good.
lol, go get it dacrspacs, I don't want it.

If you were as honest as you'd like us all to believe,
you would have shown that document to us, and we as a group could have made a group decision.

Remember, "Your Spot" is only an insignificant spot on the ground when it comes to what "Spot" we descend on and start operations, you were given a chance to be part of it since you supposedly had a location that we could proceed with.

It's clear that you don't, and I'm moving on.
You and Joe were both told if greed and corruption starts to take place, I walk.
You aren't likely to be able to much without consulting someone, and that person was going to me.

What document do you have that contradictions the files I was told about?
If you truly have such a document, then you were being dishonest from the beginning, so ... go figure.
I have my own feeling about this entire matter, formed long ago, based on the character of individuals. Hunches are being confirmed.

You two knock if off (publicly). Get this matter resolved, then provide the board with evidence of which party is the scoundrel. I'll see to it that the (crooked) party is no longer a part of this forum.

Fair enough Harold.

There was never any ill intent.
comments deleted.. Based on one man's opinion, and may or may not be based in fact.


I'm convinced the land status is closed to mineral entry, and I don't want any part of it.
Darksparcs is convinced that he can just haul off what's there, and no one will say a word.

Sorry, newsflash, BLM will, and so will anyone who owns mineral rights to the zone in question.

I've been trying to get a crew together so that I could do some mining this year,
and thought that I'd try to do something with darksparcs.
It proved to be a mistake.

It's done, I've said what needs to be said.
Greetings Harold, I appologize for my terseness on your forums, however, the things I commented on are all true, with Mr. Pickle (evidently) stating things and making half cocked statements borderlining on accusations of criminality from my end - that just aren't true.

He is however getting his information from a rather simple minded fellow whom he considers his partner (A one Joe Cavazos, who Richard introduced me to as such when Richard responded to my invitation to personally come down and take a look at some opportunities here in Nevada, and whom was the one who showed up, personally reviewed my location, made the wide eyed report to Richard that the location, "Was NO joke", Talked with the local BLM reps with, and reviewed County surveyor and recorder documentation with, and who sent off to Richard Pickle's attention an $85.00 package of samples put together for Richard to assay which consisted of rich skarn, as well as 7 powdered samples of azurite malachite, cinnabar, sphalerite, kaolinite, pyrites, and plumbojarosite I pulled from a formerly existing mineral sink - now bull dozed closed. Those minerals were specifically sent because of a PROMISE he made to assay them, which he now has shown he is now breaking - trying to use some half witted excuse to justify it.)

This Cavazos fella was taken into my home for a weeks time, and fed and sheltered while all of this took place. Cavazos' favorite statement was "A man is only as good as his word" - something he actually broke when he left back for Utah (after getting coordinates staked off and documented for a claim he and I were putting together, which he then filled out the Notice of Location with that he supposedly was going to file at the County Recorder's office) without giving me any copies of the documents we acquired at the BLM office, or the Recorder's and Surveyor's offices.

When I next talked with Cavazos, seeking these documents, he refused to send them to me. He also managed to let it slip that he was in contact with a mining attorney located in Reno and discussing options for a BLM Reclamation Bond for the location being discussed here.

I never authorized the moves he made, and what's more openly discussing options with an individual who both had the power, the connections, and the capital to sweep in and undermine any options I personally understood were available just blew my mind.

Cavazos was a half cocked idiot while he was here (which got him put in handcuffs by Metro - for spouting off immature rhetoric in response to one of the local claim operators' inquest as to who we were - doh! I'm suprised Cavazos didn't instead get a round to the head at that point... which when Cavazos spouted off his two cents I immediately put down the shovel and laid quiet resting on my elbow behind a sage bush, smoking a cigarette and waiting for the ricochets to start happening...), but what's even more frustrating is to understand how far Cavazos' pig headed STUPIDITY went, in the form of his disclosure of sensitive information to a person who could have just as easily taken it and pocketed the entire prospect - and that without missing a beat before breakfast.

It's still quite fascinating - Richard Pickle - that EVEN NOW, on your Face Book page you and your mining connection Chris Furney are OPENLY discussing things on how you are in the process of taking over MY reclamation prospect, even AFTER Joe Cavazos called and informed my mother that your exploits with this were finished... I quote - directly from your FaceBook Page:

(Chris Furney said on January 21 at 4:41pm) Hey Rick! I just talked to Home Girl at Emerald Financial. They're lookng for mines to finance. I'm guessing they want 50/50 on the end deal, after expenses prolly. (But lol the expenses would prolly include a paycheck or two i dunno.) The underwriter is sending the stuff. She says she can do that deal in Nevada NP. I told her there are some places by Quartzville we could open up, but I dunno if they're sizable enuf to get something huge going on. I'm no sure about that one ridge I saw on th aerials that would be big enuf, or if those pockets are worth going after with EQ etc. Emerald can do a BLM reclamation bond too no sweat. She wants a conference call when we have something concrete together if ever. Lets do this? the job in CA is off til next week. I gotta couple little ones tho too.

(Chris Furney said on January 21 at 5:23pm) seems to me like a grubstake usually gets half anyhow... i think that's the gist of what she was saying. I don't figger where we got the cash to front the deal in Nevada, or hey why not some other huge leach deal. I'd rather have a third of half of one of those gigantic tailing piles than all of nothing, though. I told her we could get the cotopaxi mine right across from Granpa's claim for 48.5 mil... that's why the town's there. Says technology could make it a good venture. 800+ ac. i like the tailing pile idea better i think.

(Richard Pickle said on January 21 at 10:20pm) Good point. Emerald would want a lot of sampling work done before they would be intereted anyway.

(Chris Furney said on January 21 at 10:21pm) Lol i know one place in Mexico i can get a prospectus on... but you never know maybe emerald is some sort of hype too. "La Rosa" he called it. Gold, mostly. Just in case we have to leave the country hahaha

(Chris Furney said on January 21 at 10:05pm) So here's what we'd need to do for Emerald, to go ahead.
1. Joe Cavazos has to get a dollar figure on the rights to those tailing piles. If not, lemme know who owns them.
2. I need a location on them. Pictures, any other avail intel.
3. We need assays on several samples, and an estimate of size-depth-volume. Recon mission for core samples if req. Might not hurt to have a second set anyway, and we're prolly gonna have to have a third party do it too, before we get down to business.
4. Available location of a place to put a good sized leach row system, or whatever is most cost effective. So far I'm guessing 10 acres.
5. Small sample runs to prove we can recover what we say we can. See Recon previous. All this has to fly by a bank, same as building a house m/l.
6. Reclamation required, if any.
7. 6 mil or 10 mil plastic ya think? Any other tips on a a sprinkler system besides it has to be all plastic?
8. I can figure out equipment costs, machine time, and put together a decent guess as to what it will cost to do a given amount.

It's pure and simple Richard. You've been warned. I'm not the lone ranger you think me to be, as I have individuals with a vested interest in this that you never knew existed, because it wasn't any of your business - AT THE TIME - to know about, who also know what you're planning here.

You'd never make it to Mexico...

I also will swear this to you: Chris requested images of the tailings area. I shared a whole plethara of my imagery with you, which I have no doubt that your coniving ass saved to disk. YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO USE THEM - NONE OF THEM. THEY ARE MY COPYRIGHTED PROPERTY, AND IF YOU USE THEM I WILL SUE THE EVER LOVING HELL OUT OF YOU FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT!

Trust me... I can and will find out if you use any of my imagery for the progress of your exploits...

Harold, I rest my case. Richard Pickle has used these forums in search of individuals to exploit. He chose the wrong one to play, which, No matter how WHITE he thinks he is, won't change the fact that I have the Head Geologist for the local BLM office looking to execute plans I submit... not him.

As a matter of fact Pickle, he and I are scheduled to sojourn on a field expedition next week to the very location of topic... Try getting your bonds, and/ or plans approved by him DUDE...

Oh, and don't forget too, that the local Metro Officer took the cuffs off because of me... that's because - doh! I know him too.

This is your VERY REAL invitation to cease and desist your plans for my location. Remember... I offered to accept your "finders fee" proposal, right here in this very thread IF YOU PUT IT IN WRITING... But, you have refused to offer that as well, so why should I believe you on a verbal agreement when you've broken all other previous verbal agreements?