gold recovery

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I have washed solution with water only, than white/grey sediments separated by syphoning it out of solution. How much of HCI I have to use and for how long to leave solution to work.
As much as needed and as long as needed, it will be good to do hot washes.
When the washes have no color it is done.
How long to wash?
Test a little bit of the wash water after rinsing, with a solution of lye or soda ash. Resp. pH 14 or 11.
This will push out any salts as hydroxydes. Copper will be blue-ish.
Rinse test & repeat until clear upon addition of pH+.
How long to wash?
Test a little bit of the wash water after rinsing, with a solution of lye or soda ash. Resp. pH 14 or 11.
This will push out any salts as hydroxydes. Copper will be blue-ish.
Rinse test & repeat until clear upon addition of pH+.
He want to get his "lost" Gold, the focus is not on Silver or waste just yet.
He messed up in the beginning and are get things sorted out.

He inquarted with Copper and just poured HCl into the parting acid without pouring it off,
then he more or less bombed it with Sodium Bicarbonate and Urea.

Now we are working to reach a platform for a new start.
So far has has washed with water only.
There will be a need of some evaporation after the washes are done.
Then he can cement out the values after proper acidification of the liquor.

After that, waste treatment ;)
I planned to use sulfamic acid as an alternative to the boiling down method to deNox.

Turns out when using sulfamic acid you still need to heat the solution to 90℃.

Because I am dealing with large volumes, and heating isn't possible, I'm wondering.. is sulfamic acid is effective at all at ambient temperatures?
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He want to get his "lost" Gold, the focus is not on Silver or waste just yet.
He messed up in the beginning and are get things sorted out.

He inquarted with Copper and just poured HCl into the parting acid without pouring it off,
then he more or less bombed it with Sodium Bicarbonate and Urea.

Now we are working to reach a platform for a new start.
So far has has washed with water only.
There will be a need of some evaporation after the washes are done.
Then he can cement out the values after proper acidification of the liquor.

After that, waste treatment ;)
Last night I have added 300ml of HCI to my 300ml of solution, this morning I checked solution and it turn from blue to green color and on bottom of glass container is about 10mm of light brown substance.
Than I heated the lot for about 1hr in hot water to about 80-90'C just below boiling point, but nothing has changed as yet.
I have decanted green liquid from glass container and I am left with thick brown mud. Do I still have to wash the green liquid with HCI ?
Washing is only for the mud, 300 ml was a bit much maybe. How does the stannous test for the liquid look?
Wash the mud until the wash liquid has no more color.
Do I have to wash mud with HCI ? I have tested green liquid with stannous and cotton turn grey, but I think it is affected by green color of the liquid.
What have you washed? The liquids need no washing only the solids like the mud, pieces and grains.
You need to get out all salts to be sure all your Gold salts are in your liquid.
What you are supposed to be left with is a white greyish mud, as Silver Chloride.
After the color of wash water is colorless you can wash the mud with a small amount of dilute AR.
Around 20ml HCL and 1-2ml Nitric.
The plan is to get out all that can be dissolved and then be left with clean Silver Chloride.
Then you add all the washings together and hang a piece of solid Copper in it and stir or bubble air through it.
Test with stannous for each step.
What have you washed? The liquids need no washing only the solids like the mud, pieces and grains.
You need to get out all salts to be sure all your Gold salts are in your liquid.
What you are supposed to be left with is a white greyish mud, as Silver Chloride.
After the color of wash water is colorless you can wash the mud with a small amount of dilute AR.
Around 20ml HCL and 1-2ml Nitric.
The plan is to get out all that can be dissolved and then be left with clean Silver Chloride.
Then you add all the washings together and hang a piece of solid Copper in it and stir or bubble air through it.
Test with stannous for each step.
I have washed all mud and added little AR, color of liquid is white/clearer, on bottom light grey mud, on test cotton turn dark grey.
I have put copper in green liquid and it turn black, testing is not very conclusive as liquid is black and turn cotton grey. How long do I have to keep copper plate in solution.
I have washed all mud and added little AR, color of liquid is white/clearer, on bottom light grey mud, on test cotton turn dark grey.
I have put copper in green liquid and it turn black, testing is not very conclusive as liquid is black and turn cotton grey. How long do I have to keep copper plate in solution.
Keep it there until the solution tests negative for Gold.
The black mud will be your Gold.
Du you have pictures of the mud?
This is totally nonsense!
You're trying to clean the (possibly holding gold) mud by washing with HCl and in the next step your're destroying everything by adding AR.
If someone is leading you step by step, don't add any "improvements" by yourself.
I told him to do that.
Sometimes Silver Chloride can trap gold particles, so I told him to wash with dilute AR to see if it cleaned it.
He have a mess, I can't wrap my head around properly, so now we just try to get as much values into the liquid as possible.
Next step is to adress the "mud"
I have about 750ml of black liquid, in which I place about 250grams of copper ingot. I have pour it other glass container and on bottom I found small amount of black sand particles, solution appear negative for gold.
Other container hold silver chloride mud and I am continuing to wash it, still reacting positive for gold.
Do I need more copper?
I have about 750ml of black liquid, in which I place about 250grams of copper ingot. I have pour it other glass container and on bottom I found small amount of black sand particles, solution appear negative for gold.
Other container hold silver chloride mud and I am continuing to wash it, still reacting positive for gold.
Do I need more copper?
I think I told you to pour all the solutions together before cementing?
How do the mud/Silver Chloride look now?
Cementing can be done over days, no problem. So after the mud/Silver Chloride is clean (no more color and negative test with stannous)
Have all the solutions in one container and put in the Copper bar. Stir it or bubble air through it during the whole time. Once a day test with Stannous. When negative stop it and take out the bar and gently clean it into the liquid so all particles are left int the container and let it settle for a day or 3 and then siphon/ pour the liquid to another container gently to not disturb the settled PMs.
Then transfer it to another beaker for refining at a later time.
I have about 50mg of Silver chloride, mud is white/yellow liquid transparent, gold test negative, but in separated container.
Rest of black liquid is in different container with copper bar, test for gold so far negative. Do I have to put silver chloride mud together with rest of black solution?
I have about 50mg of Silver chloride, mud is white/yellow liquid transparent, gold test negative, but in separated container.
Rest of black liquid is in different container with copper bar, test for gold so far negative. Do I have to put silver chloride mud together with rest of black solution?
I am not sure how you did this.
Are the mud and Silver Chloride separate?
When did the solution turn black?
What is the pH of the different solutions?

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