Have you studied the many posts on the forum discussing this cell?
Have you visited Lazersteve's web site? (See his posts for link).
Have you read the General reaction list? (And have you seen catfish's document on concentrating 32% battery acid?
Have you read the dealing with waste?
Have you read the safety section?
Can you answer these questions with a yes, and then you should have no trouble running your cell.
If your answer is no, spending some time studying these will help you (answering your questions and give you a working knowledge of the process), and (save everyone time answering your questions, many of which you have no clue to ask about), it may also give you some more questions, of steps you have not got to yet).
Without studying first you can expect to make every mistake that is possible, then spend your time asking help to get out of all of these messes, believe me that is not a quick way to learn, reading and studying you will spend far less time learning and be up and running, instead of constantly working to clean up a mess.
You will also discover many other hidden secrets of recovery and refining when you look for your answer to this question by studying, you would miss that information by asking a member a question and getting one answer.
I wish to remind anyone using this cell or concentrated sulfuric acids that if they have to dilute the acid, always pour the acid into the water.
The water would steam violently and could splash this acid all over you, at minimum eating holes in your clothing, or worse blinding, or burning you horribly.
If you are new to this make a note in your mind and on your wall.
A whole world of knowledge is just setting there waiting for you to discover it, and use it to recover gold and valuable metals. you will just miss if you do not read it.