Hello Everyone!
Name: Brett
Sex: Male
Age: 40'ish
Location: Desert Southwest
Profession: Desk Jockey
Hobbies: Jack of all trades, play a lot of golf, shoot a lot of guns.
Interests: See above ;-) and now getting started with salvaging e-scrap
How long have you been refining gold or have interest in precious metals?: Been a scrapper since about 6 years old (great influence from my grandfather!) and can be found running a furnace melting scrap metals to ingots and random doo-dads. Now have way too much e-waste piled up so it's time to try my hand with gold.
What are you looking for in our community?: Thirst for knowledge, great resource for some of those "why didn't I think of that" type situations
How did you discover our Forum?: google IIRC
Yggdrasil, you can save the copy and paste.

Already have 2 copies of "the book" printed out (one for home, one for downtime at work) and - how would you like to be one of the 3 unlucky _______ that they used to test acid burns on? (in the safety section!)
Long story short I have an almost limitless supply of e-scrap ranging from mild to wild, from unpopulated PCB's & populated ones to vintage IC's that I've picked up throughout the years. Time to get the junk out and make some money (actually, I don't care about the $$, I just want to make my own gold ingot to say I did it)
back to reading! Cheers!