Hi, welcome to the forum.Hello to all community! here below my personal data:
Hi, welcome to the forum.Hello to all community! here below my personal data:
Welcome to us.Hello to all community! here below my personal data:
Name : Pastorman75
Sex : Male
Age : 48
Location : Italy
Profession : Mechanical and Process engineer
Hobbies : Mechanics, Copper and Gold Refining Process, Motorbikes, LEGO bricks
Interests : Project financing, Coding, Induction furnace, other...
How long have you been refining gold or have interest in precious metals? : since 2009
What are you looking for in our community? : Knowledge exchange about PMs recovery methods
How did you discover our Forum? : surfing in the net....
In 2009 I started tio work for an italian company that is focused on precious metal refining plant starting from goldsmith scrap materials but alsio from industrial waste. They both have standard machines but also design turn key plants worldwide. I worked for them until 2017 and I learnt a lot about precious metal recovery and refining process. In the last year of my service to them, I design a TBRF furnace that arrange burning process of E-waste scrap, melt it with adding some fluxes and borax and also the machine is able to became a Copper converter by the use of an oxigen lance.
Now I have my own company and I work as a consultant in the field of precious metal recovery plant and in other sector of industrial production.
I hopeI can share with the community my experience in this matters!
Thanks in advance to everybody here!
Hi Bunz. May be SAC stay for "Saccarose". Indeed a quick way to collect metallic silver from Silver Nitrate is to use NaOH and after Destrose or Saccarose. In the forum the procedure is very well known and described.Name; Rusty is my name. My family and friends know me as Bunz. I raise bunny for food.
Sex; not in a long time (lol)
Age; too old
current location; Seal Rock - Oregon
Profession; by trade pipefitter, welder fitter, steam fitter
Hobbies; metal detecting, bunny's
Interests; environment, ocean health
how long. I have not refined gold. I have had an interest in precious metals for 50 years
I discovered your forum when I was researching how to refine silver out of silver nitrate using SAC. I could not find what SAC was. In searching for that meaning I found this site, when someone like me was asking the very same question. I am not a chemist. Do I want to put the silver in solution using nitic acid and then leech the silver using an electrode and basically grow silver crystals from the solution or do I want to cement the silver from the solution? What are the pros and cons to each of those?
Ahahah.....I never talk about the name of the company but you are right 4metals!The TBRF (top blown rotary furnace) is a versatile piece of equipment. Not applicable to a lot of our members but still useful to know about.
Unfortunately Italimpianti’s ability to communicate well in English and service their gear is in need of improvement.
Hi Ygg! I've some experience in this field but I more close to a plant designer than a chemistry expert....of course I learnt several tricks and hint about acqua regia method but this come from the field and not from the book. So....half of the story is missing!! Several guys here are very very competent and well skilled. I'm the first that have to learn something here!! Stay in touch!! ByeWelcome to us.
It seems we might learn quite a bit from you.
I hope we can teach you a thing or two as well.
Again I'm looking forward to your stay here.
Welcome to us.Name : Bill Goins
Sex : M
Age : 54
Location : Columbus, IN
Profession : Purchasing
Hobbies : Building Custom Fishing Rods, Fishing, going to auctions
Interests : refining precious metals
How long have you been refining gold or have interest in precious metals? : i have been reading and watching videos for over 3 years now. I Haven’t refined anything yet. Just starting to purchase some gold & silver. I have a lot to learn before actually trying to refine anything myself.
What are you looking for in our community? :
How did you discover our Forum? : Google searching refining scrap gold
Welcome to us.Name : Ludovic
Sex : M
Age : 38
Location : Virginia
Profession : Program Manager
Hobbies : Family, soccer, gaming
Interests : Sometimes I feel there is too much, lol
How long have you been refining gold or have interest in precious metals? : Never, but want to start
What are you looking for in our community? : To learn and enjoy this as a hobby
How did you discover our Forum? : Reddit
Welcome to us.Name : Tim
Sex : M
Age : 43 maybe.... 44.....? I find out once a year in a card.
Location : UK
Profession : Path labs
Hobbies : Mechanical tinkering mostly but as kids grow up and 'free' time becomes more of an option....
Interests : Currently my focus is on 'adapting' the Kanto Denka process down to be effective for the hobbyist refiner with an eye on emission reduction.
How long have you been refining gold or have interest in precious metals? : 3 - 4 yrs or so although all theoretical at this point.
What are you looking for in our community? : A knowledge base and sounding board. I am socially awkward so posts may well be limited even from behind a screen.
How did you discover our Forum? : Net surfing.
Welcome to us.Name: Casey Curtis
Sex: Male
Age: 34
Location: Montrose County, Colorado
Profession: Carpenter; finish, trim, framing
Hobbies: Rock Hounding, precious metal specimen collecting, prospecting, hiking, fishing, hunting, smelting, tinkering.
How long have you been refining Gold, or had interest in precious metals?: I started collecting Silver ore specimens from a mine dump a little over a year ago. I have no formal education in Geology, or anything similar, but I quickly became enthralled (some would say obssessed) with precious metals, specifically Silver.
What are you looking for in our community?: Knowledge, experience, conversation, useful tips, and trade secrets.
How did you discover our forum?: Google
Welcome to us.Hi there i have reading the forum for a while but have now joined! I am based in Idaho United States and while I have not refined PMs personally yet, I am wanting to learn! I have been looking into urban Ewaste-Minning since 2017 and have questions and thoughts about what I have found as well as various ways of getting into that world. for hobbies I am a Guitar Player, entrepreneur and hobbyist inventor. i was told about you guys thru a refining friend of mine.
Welcome to you.Name: Steve
Sex: Male
Age: 34
Location: Pennsylvania
Profession: Gold Recovery/Refining
Hobbies: Astronomy, Fishing/Camping, Finance, Family
How long have you been refining Gold, or had interest in precious metals?: I have worked for a company that recovers gold for 10 years now. No prior experience before that.
What are you looking for in our community?: An understanding of how to get through to customers looking for the reclamation of gold.
How did you discover our forum?: Google
I do appreciate it. I work for a business who's business is recovering gold. I actually am working on some jewelry right now.Welcome to you.
Here is for your studies:
We ask our new members to do 3 things.
1. Read C.M. Hokes book on refining jewelers scrap, it gives an easy introduction to the most important chemistry regarding refining.
It is free here on the forum: https://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=19798
2. Then read the safety section of the forum: https://goldrefiningforum.com/forums/safety.47/
3. And then read about "Dealing with waste" in the forum: https://goldrefiningforum.com/threads/dealing-with-waste.10539/
Suggested reading:
Forum rules is here.