autumnwillow said:ALON 1969 said:lot of thanks dear friend for your very good respond and that you spend your time to help me and give me lot informatoins im thankfull to you..i ecsept your and other friend like goran to use the evaporate optoin..ill start it now on low\medum heat..i put all the solutoin 1200 ml on 3 liter beaker and left it for evaporateing..ill do exectly what you and goran told me to do..after cupel time that ill add hc acid and ill see that no reactoin any mor ill let it cool filter it with buchner funnel and ill add 2-3 tea spoon of s.m.b to drop the i corect?? can i cool the solutoin wit ice mad from tap water?..thanks for your respond
Evaporate at low heat.
Dilute three times its current volume.
Add ice made from distilled water.
Drop with SMB. Do not mix, just wait a few minutes. Repeat until the top solution is clear.
Let it settle overnight or until the top liquid is clear.
Remove the liquid, gold should now be at the bottom.
Wash with cold HCL until no color change.
Wash with boiling distilled water three times.
Melt with a pinch of borax.
These steps are specific to your current situation only.
*I am assuming your solution is clear already. If there is any precipitate before SMB, add sulfuric acid and re-filter.
" Evaporate at low heat.
Dilute three times its current volume.
Add ice made from distilled water.
Drop with SMB. Do not mix, just wait a few minutes. Repeat until the top solution is clear.
Let it settle overnight or until the top liquid is clear.
Remove the liquid, gold should now be at the bottom "
i did exectly what you told me..but when i added the SMB the solutoin only changd the color to browon\black durty and it stay like this the gold not droped to the botom...why?? ther wass not any reactoin the color after i filter it wass very nice pure yelow and now it stay like this and nothing changed after 90 minutes..when i dud test with 50 ml on smal 250ml beaker the SMB droped the gold but now the big solutoin( 1600ml after diluited) is browon\black durty and dont changed the color...i realy dont know what is it or what hapend...please i need help..thanks for responding me...Alon